Hello pandacat.
Sure, i know all about Battle of Midway. I play stock campaign from "Pearl Harbor" 2004 many times. It too old and primitive. In 2014 we have no reason talk about it.
In current version of my campaign this battle modelled historically accurate as it possible, only with IL-2 game engine and DGEN.exe limitations. In my future plans create some kind of "scenario" with Asura, for main WWII battles, like Midway or Coral Sea. This means, no random select missions for one day, but 2 or 3 historical mission in accurate order. For example, japan carrier fighter 04.06.1942 scenario:
mission 1 - escort bombers to Midway attack
mission 2 - scramble or patrol over japs task force
mission 3 - escort bombers to US carriers attack
mission 4 - last scramble over japs carriers.
Now i can write all this missions for 04.06.1942, but dynamic generator will chose this missions randomly, and it possible, to generate all 4 missions as escort bombers to Midway, or 4 CAP over carriers. We must wait, when Asura find time for add "scenario" feature to new DGEN versions.
2. I have also found out that AIs are very stupid on selecting their bombing targets. If you launch 2 full squadrons of SBDs (24 planes and 1600 pounder each) against the japanese's 4 carriers. That's 24 bombs against 4 ships. If they don't lose any planes to japanese CAP, the first 5-6 planes will most likely sink the first carrier they target. The rest will just circle around then fly home with their bomb load and ignore the other 3 carriers. I am not so sure if you can do anything in dgen to make the second squadron switch to a different carrier when the first is sinking.
This depend from Asura also. In current version all strike groups targeted by generator to only one carrier in group, even if we have 3 or 4 CV's in one task force. In this case when first group sink carrier, all other circle around, ignore other CV's and return with bombs. Probably in next versions Asura fixe it, but now we must live with this))
And this 1600 pound bombs, i cannot find any document about this bombs) In 1942 Navy and marine SBD's use only 500 and 1000 pounders (in combination with 100 pounders).
3. Note 1 and 2 combined will turn battle of midway into a trading fest where, each side loses one carrier each mission. At the end of the day, USNavy will lose because they have one less carrier and US planes are qualitatively inferior to Japanese counterparts. But historically, USNavy caught japanese by surprise and 1 big knockout blow crippled japanese fleet that they could never recover. But due to the limitations of this game, you might not be able to mimic this progression exactly. But you can find a way to work around it.
Create an historically accurate battle, like Midway, in dynamic campaign its allmost impossible thing. This much easier in static campaign. I try to make this impossible thing in dynamic campaign, with Asura's help, but not wait from my campaign 100% historical realism. Now we can make only 70-80% of realism
