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Author Topic: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.  (Read 24686 times)

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Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« on: June 23, 2014, 08:34:52 AM »

I have contacted Crazyflak and he gave me permission to repost his Seawolves pack and thanks to Max_thehitman, we also have all the improvments made to the pack.

All the work here has been missing for some time now so if I dont get all the credits correct, please pm me so I can get them corrected.

From the original posts.......

Code: [Select]
czk's Seawolfes pack V1.1
CREDITS: quite large as this is truly a franken-mod. I am barely a copy-paster. All is due to them, not me (except for the stupid idea and some tedious work, some classfile editing, FMs editing -just "navalization", flaperons and strengthened landing gears- and the wing folds, arrestor hook and (many) weapons hooks adjustments).
-1C Maddox and Oleg for this wonderfull sim and all what this mod is based on.
-Cirx, for the longer tail wheel of F9T (cool!) & the Taxi view which I learned looking at his stuff.
-GJE52 for kindly donating the RATO meshes from the sea Mosquito mod. Thanks man!! Those make look this mod very nice!
-Sani for the opening cockpit meshes (& code)!
-Danzigdag: for the initial classfiles I got inspiration from and for the wing and fuselage meshes from  F8/G8 mod, which I took a look at and learned from (all weapon hooks were initially taken from him, then some got replaced and all of them modified). Also, his R4MDZZ classfiles and most loadouts which I shamelessly borrow for this mod.
-Karabas: for the wing meshes of his awesome F/G mod, which helped me to quickly adjust some hooks location, and the RATO java code. In the future, I migth as well pick up your panzerblitz weapons.
-Twister: for the wonderfull acoustic-homing torpedo and the RATO java code (I didn't use your flaperons code, as already had it as per hier.him IL2 stock trick). Cool stuff! Thank you for making those.
-For the D11-D13 mod which I obviously modified here for naval Dora (which in fact is half D11 from AAA and half D15 from Gerd!), and also inspired the stabilizer use on all 190s of this pack:
FatDuck & DrJones (3d Conversion)
Waggle (Skin, Textures)
Hunin (Class work & Fm)
Flushy (Cockpit Textures)
Zorin (New 3D & Missions & new Weapons)
MrJolly (New 3D)
Fucida (Class Work)
Cpt Farrel (Texture work)
and Cirx for the repack which I used.
-Gerd:  I took a look at his D15 classfiles and grabbed the weapons configuration. He kindly donated the wonderfull "skinnable" Ta-152 fin (in fact, the entire tail) and the internal/mid wing meshes from his D15 mod and provided nice clues to resolve a bug (thanks Claymore too for extra details!). I also took the Arms folder from it (Mk108) and accompanying classfile B31F8DE696961628 (if you have Gerd's mod, you can delete both of these).Thanks Gerd!! Much appreciated!
-Claymore for the wires fix I grabbed from his mod
-CY6 for the Pylons weigth adjustment trick.

-PabloSniper for removing the bomb rack from stock A9.
-MaxTheHitman for the skin work (except D13T crap, which I did under time pressure with Jesters ink nice template)
-A name is missing... as he helped me (by looking at his work) with the gunsight mask... will add as soon as I find... (in next version)
-SAS-team and UP guys for the basic "know how".
-You don't need Danzigdag mod: his R4M files are included.
-You DO need Twister's homing torpedo files to use this loadout, you also need D11-13 mod for PC1000RS and SB1000 bombs.
REQUIRES the Diff_Fm mod.
Air.ini entries:
Fw_190_A4T         air.Fw_190_SeaFg 2                    NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
Fw_190_F9T         air.FW_190_SeaJab 2                    NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
Fw_190_D13T       air.FW_190_SeaDora 2                    NOINFO  g01   SUMMER

Special features:
-all have "taxi view" which is not as nice as I'd like because a LOT of 3d work is needed to fix awfull things.
-all have level stabilizer for those looong boooring fligths over the sea (this causes Benitomuso bombsigth HUD to appear on screen, but for a comfortable fligth I can live with it).
-flaperons have been added for lower stall speed
-F9T has a landing/search light
-opening canopies
Future version
As soon as Claymore releases his work, this will be turned into an "add on", so opening canopies will have now limitations, cockpit will be removed (ligther pack) and will in fact point to Claymore's cockpits.
For all complains, you know where to find me ;-)
Thanks a lot SAS for letting me in!

Credits from the 4.10 repack....

Code: [Select]
FW-190 Seawolfes - 4.10.1 repack


A while ago SAS~crazyflak released "what-if" carrier-borne Fw190 pack (4.09 only).
There are plans for new amended version but meantime, having Crazyflak permission :),
I would like to post Seawolfes repacked for 4.10.1.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?eczofatafqwnj1q (password "crazyflak")
Mirror 2: https://www.mediafire.com/?leij1s49micoe96

Package includes:
•00_Fw190_Naval_Crazyflak - main package from Crazyflak. Air.ini and plane_ru entires in -Entries.txt file.

•01_PC1000RS_SB1000_from_Fw190D11_D13 - PC1000RS and SB1000 cut from SAS Fw190 D11-13 pack. DBW and UP users don't need it. If you already have Fw190 D11-13 pack you don't need it.

•02_Homing_LT_1B4_Pfau_torpedo_Twister - Homing Torpedo from Twister. If you already have LT 1B4 Pfau torpedo you don't need it.

1.Copy necessary folders to your mods folder (for example #DBW or #UP#).
2.Add air.ini entries and (optional) plane_ru entries from -Entries.txt.
3.You need DiffFM or AutoDIffFM to use it.

It was tested under UP 3.0 RC4, DBW 1.71, HSFX.
It is not related to C6_Claymore's Fw190 and Ta152 mega pack. There is no conflict with that mega pack.

SAS~crazyflak and all modders mentioned in the original SeaWolfes Readme.rtf - main package
Modders mentioned in the original Fw190 D11-13 post (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1544.0.html) - PC1000RS and SB1000 bombs
AG-51 Hoss - testing
Paulus. - FMs recoded to 4.10.1 format

Using torpedo guide:


For those who wish to have Wolfighters LW Pilot and PA_Jeronimos Modded Wheels

Download this:  https://www.mediafire.com/download/fqhv2vrqop9vt1y/_0_Naval%20Fw190_V1.1%20-%20czk.zip

Just Drop into your  Mods\DBW\#SAS Folder, say yes to overwrite.

If I have missed anyone please let me know.

Thanks to Crazyflak for letting me repost these. I'm sure you guys will have fun with them.  8)

I have these working in my 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.3


Also get the great skins for these from Max_thehitman here....

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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2014, 09:06:55 AM »

Very Nice Mark, Thank you and all involved.
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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2014, 10:13:50 AM »

Cool  8) Very cool aircraft! Thanks to all those involved in this project.

All we need now is a FW-190 fighter with floats! LOL  :D
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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2014, 11:42:44 AM »

Thanks a lot, I was looking for them.
I only see one bug:

After landing on a carrier, I can fold the wing but they automatically break. Just like if I try to fold them in flight.
Any idea about how to fix that?


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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2014, 11:59:02 AM »

Many thanks Maurice (again), Mark, Max and all involved! 8)


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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2014, 02:21:54 PM »

Thank you Bombsaway :-) 

I wish to very personally also thank you *Paulus* who did pick up the 409m pack from the dust (back then) and very kindly turned it into the 410m version. I felt very happy to have someone else appreciate 1946 "what ifs" :-)

Max, well, you know: without the dedicated skins you made for these, my starter mod wouldn't have been half as cute. :P

Edit: I almost forget, the wings folding bug, as far as I remember I never came around to fix it as I got interested into other projects. If I remember well it is caused by a long stick in the outer wing mesh which I assumed wrongly it would not cause issues. I might redo one day, but I wouldn't count on it.


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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2014, 02:27:30 PM »

Thanks !


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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2014, 02:31:34 PM »

Hi Flak. Good to see you here. :)
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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2014, 04:27:04 PM »

Reviens Maurice !  ;)
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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2014, 07:37:17 PM »

Thank you everything is working and wonderful, and can you give us a proper weapon entries. Thanks


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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2014, 03:25:19 PM »

Thank you everything is working and wonderful, and can you give us a proper weapon entries. Thanks

No need to write anything for weapons entries.
Just install the airplane into the DBW-4.10 game version , if your using that, and then install
the extra files for the torpedo and some extra additions and your set to fly with a HUGE amount of weapons
to choose from. This thing has so many diferent weapons combinations, that you will spend
at least 2 hours trying them all  ;D
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Re: Crazyflak's Seawolves complete pack.
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2014, 04:17:37 AM »


Edit: I almost forget, the wings folding bug, as far as I remember I never came around to fix it as I got interested into other projects. If I remember well it is caused by a long stick in the outer wing mesh which I assumed wrongly it would not cause issues. I might redo one day, but I wouldn't count on it.

And unfortunately we cannot move this xxcontrols* hit box to an other part of the wings because the maximum number of hit boxes per mesh is 7, and all wing meshes reach this limit...

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