You seem to not understand the very concept of our server. Mike already did his best to bring the point across, but ... here we are

Now, as I already was bare-faced enough to create some of the just-not-good-enough coop missions earlier, I will once again step across my boundaries and reply to your brand new concept for our server:
All missions remain as they are now.
And the group of Co-Op players continues to kill bots.
I ask only one small modification: I go for the AI-team and fly on the same aircraft against you
That first sentence is just not true. Apparently you don't know much about mission building. Coop missions depend very much on the concept of the mission builder for said mission, and the AI usually follows it. Players usually don't, either because they don't know said concept (in your case: this!) or because they don't want to, or even both.
In any case, the mission will be not as much fun to fly ...
... because you forget one very important point. I will put here again in bold font so it cannot be missed:
We do not find our fun in being stalked across the whole map by some individual, always on the side with superior numbers and probably also always in the best fighter available. We actually
ban people for doing this on our BoX-server. We're no masochists, after all ...
I could now evaluate what we like to do instead, but you don't seem open for it, so I'd rather not waste my time with it.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad in you not liking our way of business. That's ok, do it your way. We do it
our way here, and this server is
not some kind of public service. It is something we provide for like minded individuals, offliners flying online.
If you don't like that, you are free to not use it.
We will not change it for you.
I hope that got the point across now.