What follows is a link to the foreign language section (Greece) at the UltraPack forum which I have just located. Contained in one of the posts is a link, in turn, for the Greek (Hellenic) voice pack described above. I do not believe this is the direct source of the five Greek "actors" contained in my Samples/Speech folder (I never downloaded this before today) but this download contains exactly the same contents as the GR (Greece) folder in my install.
I've tried everything thing I could think of to enable the Greek chatter in Il-2. No matter what I've tried (for example, duplicating the files so that the GR folder contains nine Greek voices), the game defaults to RAF chatter, even when the player nationality is assigned to Greece. Makes no sense, but that's what happens.
Perhaps so one else can figure it out.
http://ultrapack.tuttovola.org/index.php/topic,2198.msg31579.html#msg31579If this link doesn't work, just go to the Ultrapack forum and search for "Hellenic Voice Pack". You will get to it.