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Author Topic: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release  (Read 149912 times)

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"Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" current status
« Reply #168 on: February 20, 2016, 02:34:34 AM »

Hi guys!
At this moment works on "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" next version is continued. I'm glad to tell you, next version of campaign will be created not for HSFX, but absolutely new modpack, called "DGENpack". This means, you dont need install any additional planes or maps, everything you need, will be included. There are no compatibility troubles at last :) When DGENpack will be released i'm not entirely sure, probably 3-4 months.
So, i work on two main directions now. First, convert old "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" campaigns for new DGENpack. It will be include all fixes write here earlier. Second part of my work - ultimate (as usual  ;) ) new campaign on excellent "New Guinea New Britain" map from 4.13. I can't tell you how good this map! At last i can show my favourite 49th Fighter Group and 3d Attack Group actions how it really goes in 1943-1944. There will be fighter, bomber/attack bomber and heavy bomber USAAF campaigns, and of course, Japan campaigns: IJN fighter and bomber / IJA fighter and bomber.
At this moment is finshed first stage (subcampaign/operation) of new campaign, 08.03.1943-09.04.1943, 49th FG first days at Dobodura.
You are welcome to check this topic, there i will post development updates, from time to time.
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"Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" 20.02.2016 update
« Reply #169 on: February 20, 2016, 02:44:30 AM »

Here are few screenshots from new campaign on "New Guinea New Britain" map from 4.13. 49th Fighter Group first days at Dobodura.
You can see 8th FS P-40K's at Kalamazoo strip, works on nearby new runways, and 9th FS P-38 takeoffs from Horanda strip.

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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #170 on: February 24, 2016, 01:35:08 PM »

Hello Motorhead! I have to say this is a great mod, but unforunately I've run into a few problems.

Whenever I try to load certain later war missions, mostly any Marianas or Philippines related missions, I often get a beep when I click generate, everything on the briefing and map shows up blank, and if I try to load the mission I get a no map error. I have HSFX 7.0.3, latest DGen, and am using the mod version.

Sometimes I will also get this external pop-up

I checked to see if the maps work in full mission builder and they load with no issues there and was able use them fine

DGen Error file

Code: [Select]
= DGen_mod (07/05/2015) =
seed: 396932468
ParamStr: in 1       
DGen_mod initialization. Side: in, Rank: 1
Career ID: In7
Unable to delete directory: missions\campaign\in\DGen_7_MarianasTurkeyShootBdoe1
EnemyNation from settings: USA
Load DGen\mod\AllPlaneDB.dat:
Load DGen\mod\AllPlaneDB_m.dat:
Inherits MarianasTurkeyShoot
Load DGen\mod\MarianasTurkeyShootBTowns.dat:
ReadDB sorties:2
Load DGen\mod\AllWing.dat:
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_1_VB): IJN_AG_1_VB 0 00
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_72A): USN_VF_72A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VB_11A): USN_VB_11A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VT_11A): USN_VT_11A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_5B): USN_VF_5B 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VB_5A): USN_VB_5A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VT_5A): USN_VT_5A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_21A): USN_VF_21A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_18A): USN_VF_18A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VB_18A): USN_VB_18A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VT_18A): USN_VT_18A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_30A): USN_VF_30A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_31A): USN_VF_31A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_16A): USN_VF_16A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_10A): USN_VF_10A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VB_10A): USN_VB_10A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VT_10A): USN_VT_10A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_51A): USN_VF_51A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_23A): USN_VF_23A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_9A): USN_VF_9A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VB_15A): USN_VB_15A 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VT_9B): USN_VT_9B 4 10
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_32A): USN_VF_32A 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_601_FS): IJN_AG_601_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_601_VB): IJN_AG_601_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_601_VT): IJN_AG_601_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Shokaku_FS): IJN_C_Shokaku_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Shokaku_FS_VB): IJN_C_Shokaku_FS_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Shokaku_FS_VT): IJN_C_Shokaku_FS_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Zuikaku_FS): IJN_C_Zuikaku_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Zuikaku_FS_VB): IJN_C_Zuikaku_FS_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Zuikaku_FS_VT): IJN_C_Zuikaku_FS_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Junyo_FS): IJN_C_Junyo_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Junyo_FS_VB): IJN_C_Junyo_FS_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Junyo_FS_VT): IJN_C_Junyo_FS_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Hiyo_FS): IJN_C_Hiyo_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Hiyo_FS_VB): IJN_C_Hiyo_FS_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Hiyo_FS_VT): IJN_C_Hiyo_FS_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Ryujo_FS): IJN_C_Ryujo_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Ryujo_FS_VB): IJN_C_Ryujo_FS_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Ryujo_FS_VT): IJN_C_Ryujo_FS_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_Chitose_FS): IJN_AG_Chitose_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_Chitose_VB): IJN_AG_Chitose_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_Chitose_VT): IJN_AG_Chitose_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_653_FS): IJN_AG_653_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_653_VB): IJN_AG_653_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_AG_653_VT): IJN_AG_653_VT 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Zuiho_FS): IJN_C_Zuiho_FS 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Zuiho_FS_VB): IJN_C_Zuiho_FS_VB 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IJN_C_Zuiho_FS_VT): IJN_C_Zuiho_FS_VT 4 10
PlaneNationCheck: F6F3 before - USA, after - USA
Blue skill set: 1 1 98
Red skill set: 45 45 10
Inherits operations from DGen\opsMarianasTurkeyShootB.dat
Loading 5 operation from DGen\opsMarianasTurkeyShootB.dat
Loading 62 red moving group
Loading 0 red stationary units
Loading 0 red buildings
Loading 58 blue moving group
Loading 120 all moving group
Loading 0 blue stationary units
Loading 0 all stationary units
Loading 0 blue buildings
Loading 0 all buildings
ShipList count 120 objects
ZoneList count 0 objects
ClusterList count 0 objects
FleetList count 16 objects
CarrierList count 2 objects
Dangerous areas - Red:0 Blue:0
In CombatMissionN. orgAF= -2. x=0.00 y=0.00 OlOpName=()
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:0 Car:0 Con:3 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:62 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Can't select target type


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #171 on: February 25, 2016, 07:47:12 AM »

Sometimes I will also get this external pop-up

Hello Major!
Can you tell me, which campaign (and subcampaign) exactly gives you this "external pop-up", and Error log you posted here?
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Update 16.03.2016
« Reply #172 on: March 16, 2016, 04:28:09 PM »

Work continues. At this moment completed 3 subcampaigns on "New Guinea - New Britain" map. Also i work on subcampaign, which shows last air fights of WWII, over Kyushu in july-august 1945. This subcampaign use "B-29 Alley" map. Okinawa based fighters and bombers of 5th AF attack targets on Kyushu. There will be new USAAF night fighter campaign, on P-61, which used "Command and conquer" mod and map-radar by Benitomuso.
Few screenshots: Japan HQ somewhere between Lae and Salamaua, Kagoshima port on Kyushu, ground crew works with A-26 on Ie Shima, july 1945:

Ain't a hope in hell, nothing's gonna bring us down, The way we fly, five miles off the ground, It's a Bomber!


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #173 on: March 17, 2016, 10:49:18 AM »

Here we are! 5th AF cannon armed B-25's attack japan convoy somewhere in Madang area. Note how japs ships maneuvring, trying to evade 75 mm. hits:

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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #174 on: March 18, 2016, 02:05:38 AM »

This is the campaign I want to play, which one it is ?


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #175 on: March 18, 2016, 02:08:51 PM »

This part is not released yet, just wait not so long, probably one or two month.
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #176 on: March 18, 2016, 04:33:45 PM »

Thank you


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #177 on: April 09, 2016, 03:03:36 AM »

Hallo to all !!!    First compliments to Motörhead for his campaign, very very great.   I have a question:

When the 2.4 version ?  I have read of many problems into the subcampaigns , and I have it ( for example " no base for Axis",- in USAF Solomon

1942 -, etc. ).

I have noticed other 2 problems : in ( USN ) Rabaul 1943 ( bomber ) the Helldivers ( -1C ) or SBD explode on the carrier deck, and in ( USN ) Battle of Philippines

Sea 1944 ( great turkey shoots ) ( fighter ), the IJN Aircrafts move in opposite direction from the U. S. Navy fleet !!!??   o_O

With 2.4 is possible  fix it ?




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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #178 on: April 09, 2016, 01:49:45 PM »

Hi toro!

First, i decide there will be no 2.4. Soon, i hope very soon, will be released new "DGEN Pack", created by Asura, author of modified dynamic generator, especially for my campaigns. Probably it happened in 2-3 weeks :) From this moment, all my campaigns will be created only for DGEN pack. There no compatibility problem, and you don't need to install any additional aircrafts or maps - all is included in pack. I ask you just wait, not so long :)

Current status is:
- rework old HSFX campaigns for DGEN pack (and this work takes MANY time!)
- created new campaigns for DGEN pack, for example, ultimate campaign on New Guinea - New Britain map from 4.13.

Problems you write, "no airfields or airstart for axis", and another, is good known for me, and i work on fix for this.
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #179 on: April 09, 2016, 03:25:42 PM »

Good idea : things will be simpler
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