Me-262 HG V and Me-262 HG VB

Radar Guided Intercept Demonstration:Addon for
4.09m Rebels ONLY (AircraftLH Stub Class mod, you might have that from other mods already but there's no damage from overwriting it):, PLEASE READ BEFORE ASKING:HG-Vb has two seats only, but 3 pits (one is "virtual" just for radar screen).
Historical Radar (FuG-220 Lichtenstein SN-2) (2nd pit):
Left scope shows target azimuth vs. range. Right scope is target elevation vs. range.
Min range is app. 500m (short range mode) resp. 1.5km (normal range mode).
Max range is app 9km, but depends on altitude (current altitude is max range if below
9km, that's because ground echo will cover target signal then).
Use X4/bombsight keys for gain and mode setting.
Mode setting is X4 left/right key (ingame: "Adjust Sight Control Left/Right" keys in
"Gunsight/Bombsight Controls" section).
Gain setting is X4 up/down key (ingame: "Increase/Decrease Sight Altitude" keys
in "Gunsight/Bombsight Controls" section).
Virtual Radar ("AWACS" style) (3rd pit):
Press "Toggle Gunsight View" key (default: Shift+F1) to toggle between long
long range (5km max) and short range (2km max) operation.
The amound of radar noise depends on altitude, the lower the more noise.
4.09m rebels need AircraftLH Stub Class mod.
air.ini entry:
Me-262HG-V air.ME_262HG_V 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Me-262HG-Vb air.ME_262HG_VB 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
BackgroundThe hypothetical Me-262 HG VB, Nachtjager, and Me-262 HG V, Fighter/Interceptor, utilize a redesigned undercarriage to allow the engines to be realistically positioned in the wing roots. The cockpit has been moved forward to both provide space for the main wheel bays and also improve forward visibility. Air brakes have been added to improve handling. However, although this aircraft never existed, the FuG-220 Lichtenstein SN-2 radar set in the Me-262 HGVB is both historically accurate and functional.
CreditsOriginal meshes by 1C
Slot, Classfiles, Radar realization and implementation - SAS~Storebror
Concept, Visual realization, HD Skinpack - SAS~GJE52
Beta Testing and additional support - SAS Admin Team
Download from here : HD Skinpacks from here: