I have never used note pad before but will try it now. To clarify, I write in the plane mod characteristics in air ani,
then paste the downloaded mod into the plane ani and then I should have a flyable plane ? If incorrect in my sequence, steer me in the right direction...
I thank you for your time and for sharing your learned skill at this game. I enjoy the game but sometimes the tech end of it, for me, can be a bit daunting.
Must say that every one who has helped in the past has made this game more fun. Thanks again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stepup47
1- There is no such thing as
Air ani unlest you are using a translator !
Air.ini is a file to edit as if it was a
.txt file.
Path is : IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 \ #DBW \ STD \ com \ Maddox \ il2 \ objects \ Air.ini
Typical line to add in the text of Air.ini:
MiG-19S air.Mig_19S 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
Where you place the line is where you will find the new plane in the menus.
MiG-19S happens to be ( and always is ) the name that is used for the skin file.
No mod can be added in there, just text lines.
3- Now path for the mod (file) to be placed:
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 \ #DBW \
"the mod (file) to be placed here" \ 3do \ ...
Note: 3do; if you have: #DBW \ "a file that you have unzip" \
"the mod (file) not to be placed here" \ 3do \ ...
Be sure the mod aircraft you install is
compatible to DBW. Compatibility for 410.1m or DBW.
Be sure you met ALL REQUIREMENTS stated in original POST by the author. Some planes like Mig-19 will not work without other MODS have been installed first (see requirements and much more ).
You must read most of following 'answer' posts as it is humanly possible...
4- Please
install a simple compatible aircraft ( that does not have any pre-requirements ) to
familiarize yourself with installing any aircraft at all,
first; to do a complex jet plane install
without any such basic experience would be futile at this point.