New link in post reply 12.

---let go the additional load.ini entries and kept the default map entries-plus added new readme and Quick instructions etc.---
Old links still work yet I added an all new less confusing mod at post 12. You still need the mods mentioned in this post, 2 maps and the high res base mod.
Just played with the load.inis, texture slots etc.
Since it is by far
not a mod and only created out of frust about my stupidity to get the objects of another Pacific map working...post it
You need:
These two mapshttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,38005.0.htmlhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,33847.0.html
And the High Res modhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,33239.0.htmlSome shots, readme (big one) in download.
Only one version shown here, I added two versions of water colour (minor difference) in between the Slot load.inis and also slightly variying random trees and 2 slots for forest, after first attempts I decided to make use of NON "field" tgas for forest, to have more trees on the beaches.

(A fileds.tga named texture disables random trees. Since the forests in thsi area are very lush, I activated them, this also makes more trees appear on the shores afaik.=pretty sure)
How to use:
Place the maps folder into your MapMods folder inside whatever named Mods folder you use, allow to overwrite. Backup your Trees folder, just in case.
The all.ini entries should have these by default:
The_Slot_08-42 Slot/load_0842.ini
The_Slot_10-42 Slot/load_1042.ini
The_Slot_12-42 Slot/load_1242.ini
The_Slot_07-43 Slot/load_0743.ini
The_Slot_10-43 Slot/load_1043.ini
The_Slot_01-44 Slot/load_0144.ini
If you do not have these entries, add them. I started with the last two in the list and since there I used a method with less trees generated, saving FPS, I added two more maps to this pack, which you have to add, and which sport a different forest first slot texture and thus more random trees generated:
The_Slot_01_44T Slot/load_0144T.ini
The_Slot_07-43T Slot/load_0743T.ini
So, your all.ini entries should read:
The_Slot_08-42 Slot/load_0842.ini
The_Slot_10-42 Slot/load_1042.ini
The_Slot_12-42 Slot/load_1242.ini
The_Slot_07-43 Slot/load_0743.ini
The_Slot_10-43 Slot/load_1043.ini
The_Slot_01-44 Slot/load_0144.ini
The_Slot_01_44T Slot/load_0144T.ini
The_Slot_07-43T Slot/load_0743T.ini
if you do not wish to add more all.ini entries, simply delete the load_0144T.ini and load_0743T.ini from the "maps\Slot" folder.

Use it or leave it, took me ca 5 minutes lol...ok, a couple of hours, so this is neither a mod nor gets support.
This is rather a for fun thing, which looked nice, so just in case here credits.
Keep in mind the varying maps use different shallows(2) and can look a tad different among each other.
Reason: Trees (3 types, 2x PalmTree), shallows, water (2 almost identical values), ...
Agracier textrues
Mixx textures
Spdr109 textures
SAS~Bombsaway shallows
SAS~Boomer for PalmTree (forgot in readme)
WhiteCat (Forest, trees)
DaveOD06 (Shallow form one of his map threads)
Feel free to play with the load.inis, I found them nice this way. Maybe you can come up with something more interisting. This is a good example of how a few easy edits can change the look of a map.
Albeit in the Slot map most is forest anyway and some of the used tex are a tad mismatched here.

Now off from modding for now

DBW does not have this map and thus MA 5.3 also not.

So it's a 4.09m mod.