whole DBW 10gb superpack. After 6h of downloading (my internet sucks)
hi, and welcome to the forums

lol, i just had to comment on this first - if you consider 6 hours to download 10GB as sucky internet, i'd hate to think what you consider as good.
that would take me about 6 days to complete, lol

anyway, on to your questions - most of the mod packs, DBW, HSFX, etc do not ship with new campaigns and missions, for the simple fact that it would increase the already large sizes to download, which we try to reduce as much as possible.
there are several new campaigns specifically built for most packs - these aren't difficult to find - just to confuse people, we have most of them in the section called Missions, lol, and its sub-sections.
also, DBW campaigns are in the section mysteriously titled 'DBW Campaigns and Missions'
so, there's not much to say about that really, other than if you are a new guy, it will take some time and require some reading on your side, we simply can't repeat all the info every time a new guy asks.
also, other sites such as M4T, has a wealth of missions, campaigns, skins, etc for these mod packs.
i'm not trying to be a wiseass, we do seriously ask everybody that we expect them to take the time to read through the forum first. pretty much everything you could want or ask, has already been asked and answered in the forum, and we are not big on repeating this same info over and over.
please, just spend some time looking through the sections and sub-sections - i don't expect you to read every thread, but the sections alone make it easy enough to find what you want.
if you are looking for something specific, just ask and we can help.
but providing all such 'general' info every time someone asks is simply not practical, as i hope you understand.