ready to take on aircraft
Very few additions to Bon Homme Richard lately (I keep saying I'm about to stop and then I add something else, it's addictive). All normals have been checked, unwanted vertices deleted, quads converted to triangles.
I've been delayed for quite some time trying to get catapults to work in 4.12.2m; I can trap in 4.12.2m though. I can get catapults to work when BHR is substituted in western's Essex SCB125s in DBW. The jet blast deflectors are designed to only work in 4.12.2m however, and haven't been tested by me. I thought the problem was because of 294ABC86A89FAEB4 in #SAS/XTD/ but I've recently seen a note from SAS-Storebror saying that angled deck carriers won't work with the 2.7 SAS Engine Mod so I'm not sure what to do.
I've tried modifying deck parking hooks with limited success. All I can manage to do is move some aircraft further aft so they taxi further for takeoff. I'll have to leave the parking as it is ie. two abreast and lined down deck.
Thanks for the video Clint; I can't believe you flew from F-4 cockpit. I think we should consider a thread dedicated to videos and stills of carrier landings - but let's wait for BHR release first.
Are a couple of you guys willing to check out BHR in 4.12.2m before I release her? I would especially like to see if someone could get the JBDs working. Give me a PM.