I have been building a campaign centred around No.1 Squadron RAF and their operations in France during 1939/40. In order to get things as right as I can, I have skinned their MkI Hurricanes with the black and white undersurfaces, red spinner and full tail fin flash worn by them at the time. In April 1940 they made an unofficial change to the livery of their aircraft which was adopted right across the RAF a few months later. I thought that I would easily find a skin to adapt and add a red spinner and full tail flash. I was quite suprised to find that all the stock Hurricanes have a magnolia or light buff underside. Why is this do you think?
There follows a quote from Paul Richey's autobiography 'Fighter Pilot' as this may be of interest to other skinners.
'A few days later an air marshal from the Air Ministry paid us a visit. He had come, he told us, to find out why we had shot down every aircraft we had attacked while Fighter Command squadrons in England were, in the main, only succeeding in 'driving the German aircraft off in an easterly direction', as he put it.
Since we were no longer under the jurisdiction of Fighter Command we had no hesitation in telling the air marshal the reason'......there follows a description of how in 1938 they 'secretly' harmonized their guns to 250yds and not 400yds as prescribed by Fighter Command orders, but the important thing is they were now under the command of the Advanced Air Striking Force and not Fighter Command and were given largely a free hand in these matters.
He continues.
'Not long afterwards we made another contribution that was to benefit all our fighter squadrons. While still with Fighter Command, in order to facilitate recognition by our observers on the ground the undersides of our wings were painted black on one side, white on the other. We considered this to be idiotic, since the German aircraft were duck-egg blue underneath and very difficult to spot from below, whereas we stood out like flying chequer-boards. So the Bull gave orders for the undersides of our aircraft to be painted duck-egg blue, and this too was later adopted for all RAF fighters.'
I distinctly remember as a kid in the 1950's painting my Airfix models duck-egg blue underneath. (RAF memo's from the summer of '40 seem to have interchanged the term 'Sky' which it became officially known as, but it was the same colour.) So why do painters use magnolia?
I am going to skin all my 1940's RAF fighters with duck-egg blue undersides, which unfortunately put back the date when I can publish my Phoney War/BoF campaign. Never mind, I would be even more unhappy knowing the aircraft liveries were wrong.