Walking Pilot MOD - Based in VisualMOD 8.2
This has been superseeded by the Visual MOD V9 which includes this feature plus many others:
Clarification for those who have not been following up this thread: first this MOD was independent, but now it is embedded into the Visual MOD, because it requires a lot of code I developed there.
So: download and replace your previous visual MOD. This one has corrected some issued with Font Size in HUD, etc.Controls:-Now the Game Menu has a new option in the first Item (Mission) which is "Leave Plane". This makes your pilot go out of the plane. You will loose the control of it.
-If you eject (typical Bailout with Ctrl+E or whatever) you will get the same, but your plane will be spoiled out.
-After some steps in ground (coming from the air with parachute or in land) the running pilot stops.
-When it has stoped you can control it with the Joystick:
^ goes forward
< turns anticlockwise
> turns clockwise
-If you collision a flyable plane (your previous one or a different one), you will get control over it.
By PAL, updated on 2014/08/16