a great improvement to this would be having the "inside the man" view. For this, we would need a CAMERA hook 2cm. ahead the eyes of:
Probably it would be required to conver them into .hims for it.
It would allow walking in first person.
Is anybody interested on taking this part?
Hola Pablo.
Actually where you have to put a camera hook is in the Body.msh file.
But there is a problem here, this is not a "normal" mesh (FramesType Single, with a single frame), as the aircraft.
This is an animated mesh, in this particular case with 135 frames, someone animated the mesh in 3ds Max (or another application) and exported it to IL-2.
We have always said that movements of the meshes are due to Java code, this is true with almost all meshes , but other as the paratroopers, soldiers running, even the parachutes, the movement is made with 3D software.
I guess that many others also have noticed about it.
I personally do not know how to animate meshes in 3ds Max, but the biggest problem here is that I think we don't have tools to work with them: seems that buggy-buggy and Maraz are not useful for these meshes.