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Author Topic: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding  (Read 66523 times)

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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2014, 07:38:04 AM »

similar question Pablo can I pack a folder with 4Gb of content or do I have to brake it down in smaller folders? Thanks

Probably you will have a memory problema creating such a big file. The current versiĆ³n of TotalMODder only caches on memory and if you have a huge folder, it needs to reserve memory for all the final file in memory and this is very difficult.

Even if you were able of packing it, for the game is not easy to deal with thos huge files. So: always is reasonable to keep the resultant files you use lower tan 250Mb-300Mb.

If you eventually think about uploading it to share with others, is much more reasonable to use files segmented and not huge.



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #49 on: November 01, 2014, 12:42:53 PM »

Pablo, you probably hear it on a daily base, but anyway,
I managed to get it working, it works, that's overwhelming.
Thanks for sharing this great piece of art
Happy weekend and best wishes...
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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #50 on: November 08, 2014, 06:41:30 AM »

I tried to get it work but when  launching total modder I get an error saying: list index out of bounds (3) and launching hangs and I have to kill the process with Task Manager to stop it.

do you have any clue? I am running windows 7 home 64 bit, i7 processor 6Gb memory, I tried on both a clean install of ll2 4.212. and another 4.212 with basic files of modactivator 5.3.

result is the same

Thank you


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #51 on: December 07, 2014, 02:51:41 PM »

QQ, does the Activators HSFX read the class files from the standard "files" folder in the main game directory?  Curious, as I am attempting the update the activator to 7.03; and when I drop the updated hsfx class files into the activators folder, it seems to work, but fails when attempting online play.  Some error noting netcode method missing or something.



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #52 on: December 07, 2014, 10:34:36 PM »


This is truly brilliant.  It took a while to get it working because I didn't realize I had to have only the MA5.30 installation, and not MA5.30 and options (AI, Engine 2.7, etc...).  Now that I got it to work all those options are easily enabled with your tool, and Oh my gosh, it saves so much space because it does not duplicate the files as in JSGME.

For me I used JSGME to install MOD ACT 5.3 over 4.12m, then I used JSGME to install Total Modder... and now I only use Total Modder with a profile I created... this is AWESOME!!!

Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #53 on: December 08, 2014, 10:53:46 AM »

QQ, does the Activators HSFX read the class files from the standard "files" folder in the main game directory?  Curious, as I am attempting the update the activator to 7.03; and when I drop the updated hsfx class files into the activators folder, it seems to work, but fails when attempting online play.  Some error noting netcode method missing or something.


I got this to work properly by simply dropping all content normally housed in the HSFX "Files" folder and dumped this content into the total MODder "HSFX Activators" folder (had to delete all original content supporting hsfx 7.02).  Once I completed this, I now can load HSFX 7.03 correctly including the new triggers feature (note triggers only work with clean HSFX).

I was also able to delete the "Files" folder in the root game install as this is now duplicate content from what is in the total MODder HSFX Activators folder.



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #54 on: December 08, 2014, 11:04:28 AM »

            I see that most of you got it by yourself.

  But somewhere in the several things I wrote regarding TotalMODder it is explained that the game once "Activated" for TM3 it ONLY works with the cached contents established inside the TotalMODder. You can have whatever you want outside (Files, MODs, #DBW, #SAS or whatever folder) but because they are not specified in the cached contents to load, they are just going to be ignored.

  WindWpn: in the same way I have distributed in the Easy Pack those "Activators" folders you can do exactly the same with version HSFX7.03 like this:

  Just by copying the Updated Files folder created by the AutoUpdater into it.



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #55 on: December 08, 2014, 01:45:40 PM »

Understood, though to conserve disc space, I renamed the HSFX Activator to remove a version reference, and simply set it as the folder host for any/all hsfx updates.  Thus if a 7.04 is released, I can simply paste content of the HSFX "Files" folder from the deployment into the HSFX Activator folder.  Once I understood how it works under the hood, its nice!   :)



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #56 on: December 09, 2014, 03:12:10 PM »

Been playing with this marvelous toolset.  Thank you so much Pablo, this is certainly the very best way in which to set up your modded Il2/1946 and well worth reading through the excellent Manual.

TotalModder has always been quite brilliant - Compressed file formats and streamlined profiling improve performance and save disc-space.

Right now just having a ball with TotalModder - Thank you Pablo, Thank you, thank you, thank you!  ;D


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2014, 07:45:15 PM »

QQ on TotalMODder:  Is the all.ini factored in the il2fb.mods batch?  I cannot find a listing for the all.ini though I do see listings of all the other standard inis such as ships.ini.

Basically, I am trying to add maps as a mod in TM, but the custom all.ini is not picked up by TM, and only the base all.ini is processed.  Note, I have the modded map pack set above the activator in the TM profile listing.




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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2014, 08:37:35 PM »

              the differents profiles I delivered with the Easy Pack includes different sets of maps.

  I would think that you have a problem with the folder location of your all.ini.

  My suggestion? Just activate any of the typical profiles, i.e. preDBW2. After having it activated, open ilfb.mods, that you already know is just a text file. Search for "all.ini" into it. And you will find where it is located. You will see the hash code associated to it. So if you reactivate the profile you are working it find again the air.ini and it should have the same hash code and must being in the same level of folders (root). Here is the example on my current profile:


The hash code and the all.ini should be exactly the same. If you have something different, your all.ini is inside a non-corresponding folder or something like that.



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #59 on: December 12, 2014, 07:53:53 AM »

Hi Pablo,

I tracked down the issue and it is specific and only occurs in the HSFX profile.  Other profiles do not have this scenario.

from the il2fb.mods file when activating any hsfx profile:

Code: [Select]
Basically, the sfs is loaded rather than the extracted all.ini.  Note, this sfs only contains the all.ini.
I tried to remove the call from the sfs in the rc, along with a few other changes, but cannot figure out how to set the hash for the all.ini to the actual all.ini rather than version in sfs.


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