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Author Topic: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release  (Read 50333 times)

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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #84 on: January 21, 2015, 05:55:42 AM »

Hurra, thanks!!!

But by the way, stupid technical questions to make some things clear please (I'm not sure after reading ReadMe)?
So to make this super pack working I must:

1. install clean 4.12.2 version;
2. then on the top of it install packs SAS ModAct 5.30, JetWar 1.33, HSFX 7.02, DBW 1.71.;
3. and finally start TotalModder and choose profile pre-DBW2.

I'm asking, because it's my first time with TotalModder  :-[ so I don't wanna make something stupid at beginning...


As Malone said,
                                       you only need the .SFS files delivered wih them.

  But in the other hande: you were right Is. One way of getting all these together if you didn't have it before is:

0-Having the Game at 4.12.2 version.
1-Installing Full DBW 1.71 (Read details in its thread. It includes UP3RC4). (No matter it is theorically oriented to game v4.10.1)
2-Install JetWar 1.33
3-Install HSFX7 over all previous
4-Install SAS ModAct5.30 over all previous.

You are going to get ALL the SFS files required. Some more stuff (posible MODs in jsgmemods, etc.), but the important thing is that you get the SFSs.

With that you can actívate the Pre-DBW2 Profile in TotalMODder EasyPack.

And I did and respect all these instructions.  If someone can't help me to find where is the problem, please just tell me if it's the good instructions.
I'll be glad if you can help me/us


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #85 on: January 21, 2015, 01:01:04 PM »

And I did and respect all these instructions.  If someone can't help me to find where is the problem, please just tell me if it's the good instructions.
I'll be glad if you can help me/us

Hi benji

The instructions you quoted are accurate.  :)

Here's what I did.

I had 4.10 and UP3+DBW 1.71 already installed so I updated to 4.12.2.
Installed JetWar 1.33 to a temp folder.
Installed HSFX7 to the same temp folder.
Installed ModAct5.30 to the same temp folder.
Copied all the sfs files from the temp folder to my IL-2 4.12.2 folder.

But I had to move some sfs files, see my post here:

Quote from my post:

UP3: my sasup_decals_01.sfs was in the SAS_DBW folder.
From PACK-UP3(OriginalLocation).rc says:
@sfs MOUNT sasup_decals_01.sfs

The Jet war sfs I had to place in the SAS_SFS folder.

Mods.rc (from PreDBW2) says:
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_02.sfs

Good luck!  :)

vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #86 on: January 21, 2015, 02:03:59 PM »

Hoo ! Big thanks for all these informations !

What is the temp folder ? Is it the root folder of il-2 ?

In my case, I just installed hsfx 7.03, jetware 1.33, up 3 RC4, dbw 1.71 and sas modact 5.3 but I didn't move any .sfs files or others so I will try tomorrow evening and I'll let you know
Thank you to take your free time for me, I really appreciated


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #87 on: January 21, 2015, 02:05:18 PM »

In my case, I just installed hsfx, jetware, up, dbw....

Who told you "install them" ?


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #88 on: January 21, 2015, 02:06:57 PM »

In my case, I just installed hsfx, jetware, up, dbw....

Who told you "install them" ?
It's in the second page of this topic. It's wrong instructions?


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #89 on: January 21, 2015, 02:13:27 PM »

Ah, that's my misuderstand.
It's OK.


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #90 on: January 21, 2015, 03:25:28 PM »

Well, I have had some success, but still not there. I did not load UP3 as I misunderstood from the page 2 instructions that DBW 1.71 had the UP3.0 included, but I now believe that it only included the R4 update for UP3 [?]

I examined my game folder for my DBW 4.10 load and saw that a only a handful of the sfs files had been loaded in my new Pre-DBW2 4.12 folder, so I copied and pasted them from the former into the latter. I was then able to successfully activate the Pure DBW 1.71 selection, seems to be working. I will download the DBW 1916 2.1 update sometime later and expect that will work as it's based on the above.

Pure UP3.0 would not start at all, no log file generated; I suspect this is due to my not installing it before DBW 1.71 at the beginning of the group install, but very much don't know. As I stated above, I copied all the UP sfs files into the game folder, which resulted in DBW 1.71 working, but not Pure UP3.0

However, no love with HSFX or ModAct 5.3. I think I had a corrupt download of ModAct 5.3, as I can only see a few sfs files, as I found with the UP3.0 missing sfs above, and no aircraft sfs files at all, so I will try again. Here are the error references for my attempts with HSFX and Mod Act 5.0:


INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 2 -> 0.95 (delta = -1.05) to Range 0..0.95
[20:46:42]   INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 4096 -> 512 (delta = -3584) to Range 1..512
[20:46:42]   INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 3 -> 2 (delta = -1) to Range 0..2
[20:46:42]   INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 1 -> 0.5 (delta = -0.5) to Range 0..0.5

WARNING: No quick missions in Missions folder.[20:47:03]

Section usa0100 not found [20:47:03]   java.lang.Exception: Section usa0100 not found

>> no file: Missions/QuickQMBPro/Bessarabia/BessarabiaRedNoneA00.mis
[21.01.2015 20:47:12] -------------- END log session -------------


INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
[8:59:19 PM]   INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
[8:59:27 PM]

WARNING: No quick missions in Missions folder. [8:59:40 PM]

Section usa0100 not found [8:59:40 PM]

java.lang.Exception: Section usa0100 not found [8:59:40 PM]

no file: Missions/QuickQMBPro/null/nullRedNone00.mis
[Jan 21, 2015 8:59:49 PM] -------------- END log session -------------

Both of these load to the mission selector screen, but upon clicking the 'Fly now' button, a Data file corrupt message appears.

If any thing can be corrected based on the above info, please do advise me accordingly. My work has been worth it even if I cannot get these others to work, as the DBW 1.71 was my primary interest, so good on me, eh?



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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #91 on: January 21, 2015, 03:48:52 PM »

Well, I have had some success, but still not there. I did not load UP3 as I misunderstood from the page 2 instructions that DBW 1.71 had the UP3.0 included, but I now believe that it only included the R4 update for UP3 [?]

please show us your listing of ALL sfs files you have, and in which folder you set them.


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #92 on: January 21, 2015, 05:19:02 PM »

I am not at all up to standards re how to go about these tasks - how do I copy just the sfs file names from the game folder, and not the files themselves?

I explained in a post in the DBW thread question re my being unable to participate much at all these past 5 years, and not really that expert before that. Please show me how to easily access a list only as you requested from the game folder, thanks


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #93 on: January 21, 2015, 09:28:31 PM »

I am not at all up to standards re how to go about these tasks - how do I copy just the sfs file names from the game folder, and not the files themselves?

I explained in a post in the DBW thread question re my being unable to participate much at all these past 5 years, and not really that expert before that. Please show me how to easily access a list only as you requested from the game folder, thanks

In example....

A. make a text file in windows command prompt
A-1. open command prompt window (start menu --> accessories --> Command Prompt)
A-2. change directory in command prompt (if your IL-2 folder is c:\il-2, type "cd c:\il-2<enter>" or "cd c:\il-2\jsgmemods<enter>" or "cd c:\il-2\sfs_auto<enter>" .... "cd c:\il-2\YOUR FOLDER SFS EXIST<enter>")
A-3. use "dir" command and redirect to a text file in each folders(type "dir /b *.sfs > sfs.txt<enter>")
A-4. open the text files you made in A-3. by notepad and paste them here with "Insert Code" option

B. make a screenshot picture in windows explorer
B-1. open your folders having sfs files by windows explorer, sort by extention
B-2. get screenshots like push Alt+PrintScreen key
B-3. open Paint tool (Windows stock one or Photoshop/GIMP/you like) and paste your clipboard (Ctrl+V)
B-4. cut-out the area of sfs files, save a jpg file
B-5. upload the jpg file to an uploader you like (mediafire, imageshack,,, etc.)
B-6. paste the uploaded URL here with "Insert Image" option or URL text


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #94 on: January 22, 2015, 12:55:31 PM »

I hope somebody can help me (for example what files must be moved, or deleted, or are missing. Something like that  ;)

Or if someone would like to upload his/her root folder of all the game (pre-DBW 2 installed), it would be nice

P.S : My game don't launch (crash at 0 %)


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Re: pre-DBW2 (DBW for 4.12.2) - Public Release
« Reply #95 on: January 23, 2015, 03:26:09 AM »

Just want to know out of morbid curiosity.

When can we expect the OFFICIAL release of DBW-2?

Just curious because while this pre-DBW2 modpack seems vastly interesting to install, I don't want to go through the risk of getting one minor step wrong that could screw up my IL-2 install.

The idea of the TotalMODder is just touching only two files (il2fb.exe and DInput.dll) and nothing else at all. So the risk is miminum, but rgarging your other question:

I considered (and have all the resources required, included a special SFS Packer I made myself) to generate a single non-redundant set of SFS files that could be the new "universal base" from where to grow.

While I was waiting for WhiskySierra to have his Maps + Objects huge pack ready, I started to talk with CharlieChap regarding compiling everything from HSFX7 together with former (or unexistent MODs only in DBW). Then he convinced me supporting it with several reasons what was the goal of making a newer and bigger pack. And he really made me give up my previous intention.

So for the while I would not make any compilation of anything new. Reviewing all the contents, packing them by cathegories, etc., is quite difficult and annoying, later you have to upload all the files somewhere which takes ages, and if something has to be corrected it is just frustrating.

  If on the other hand the HSFX7 contents are basically wanted to be maintained separated and not resolved (the names) by his compiler / autor (CharileChap) everything is a no go Project.

  Soon 4.13 versión will be available, making the DBW2 version 4.12 an incompatible pack...

  In a wrap up: a lot of things that have discouraged me from the idea.


Does this mean DBW2 is dead in the water?

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