If use my static.ini merged with your I am not able to save missions in Poland map
You must use also 3do folders merged, let overwrite.
Try this (after backuping your original 3do folder ).
Then it must run flawlessly even if it has duplicities inside merged static.ini . This has been proven, believe me.
By "merging" I understand copying the content of add2staticini.txt at the end of yours static.ini, before "eof" of course.
Ok still no solution, just to be sure I install the maps components in this way:
3do folder in:
d:\giochi\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\
i18n Folder in :
d:\giochi\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\i18n\
Maps folder in:
d:\giochi\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\MAPMODS\
than I merged your static.ini file in my own (adding lines before the EOF)
and overwriting if required, to note that I have not other 3do folder before the installation of Poland Map , am I missing something?
I confirm I am not able to save missions, but as told if I use your static.ini "alone" everything works fine......