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Author Topic: Feathered Propeller action  (Read 1277 times)

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Feathered Propeller action
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:14:27 PM »

I would like to request a mod to add the physical action of the prop moving to the feathered position. To me it has detracted from the realism in the game when I have feathered the prop, yet the propeller remains in the same position. I have looked around the site to see if this mod had been requested or made and found nothing, unless I missed it somewhere. I have added a couple of pics of P-38s with feathered props for reference. If my request needs clarification just reply and I can provide further explanation. I understand that adding this feature to all multi-engine aircraft may be a daunting task so I would at least want the P-38s, to have this mod, as this is the twin engine aircraft that I fly the most. I am running Il-2 1946 4.12.2 + SAS Modact 5.3. Thank you!



  • s3231541
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Re: Feathered Propeller action
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2014, 09:43:02 PM »

as far as I know, the feather option will affect your Flight Model (FM). However, I have not seen any aircraft replicated this features together with prop pitch onto the 3d model itself. It is not impossible to do actually, but changes needed to be taken on both 3d (making a new propellor which show "feathered" prop) and add a trigger with java coding. The worst part is that this have to be done to each and every aircraft available. Even if we create an implementation TypeFeatherProp, the 3d model and aircraft itself still needed to be modified individually to enable this features. What I am saying is that it is totally possible but considering the weight and amount of work required (like there would be at least a dozen of P-38 arounds), it might not be consider anytime soon.

However if any aircraft modder would like to add this feature onto their newly built aircraft, you could contact me and see what we can do about it.  ;)


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Re: Feathered Propeller action
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2014, 10:10:21 PM »

Thank you for the response and I understand now the complexity of what I have requested. And yes if there is a modder who would like to incorporate this feature into a multi-engine aircraft they are working on that would be welcome to me. I would be willing to test out the mod as well. I am patient and would be willing to wait until the mod can be worked on.  ;)
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