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Author Topic: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)  (Read 144068 times)

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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2014, 11:12:27 AM »

Is anyone else having issues with the plane views after bailing out?  I have noticed that with mod 9 if I bail out, I can no longer switch views to any other aircraft without restarting the whole game.  Mod 8.2 did not have that issue.  Even in QMB Mode, with mod 9, if I bail out and then if the pilot lands and then reset the QMB I can play the mission, but can only have a cockpit view in the next game.  I was just wondering if anyone else had encountered this.


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2014, 11:16:21 AM »

If I do not enter my original plane before ending the mission i can't control the visual controls anymore (e.g. change to outside view). I have to exit il-2 and relaunch it to get that to work again

When all else fails: read the instructions!


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2014, 11:18:29 AM »

Is anyone else having issues with the plane views after bailing out?  I have noticed that with mod 9 if I bail out, I can no longer switch views to any other aircraft without restarting the whole game.  Mod 8.2 did not have that issue.  Even in QMB Mode, with mod 9, if I bail out and then if the pilot lands and then reset the QMB I can play the mission, but can only have a cockpit view in the next game.  I was just wondering if anyone else had encountered this.

Yes, I noticed that yesterday. The situation is derived from the fact that to have the pilot impersonation, it is required to stop the PlaneViews hotkeys, and depending on the sequence, nobody restores them.

I think that I know how to fix it.



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2014, 11:58:30 AM »


My hat is off to you!  and my heart is full of gratitude.



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2014, 12:41:56 PM »

Is anyone else having issues with the plane views after bailing out?  I have noticed that with mod 9 if I bail out, I can no longer switch views to any other aircraft without restarting the whole game.  Mod 8.2 did not have that issue.  Even in QMB Mode, with mod 9, if I bail out and then if the pilot lands and then reset the QMB I can play the mission, but can only have a cockpit view in the next game.  I was just wondering if anyone else had encountered this.

Yes, I noticed that yesterday. The situation is derived from the fact that to have the pilot impersonation, it is required to stop the PlaneViews hotkeys, and depending on the sequence, nobody restores them.

I think that I know how to fix it.


So I wait for the next version. :D


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2014, 04:19:01 PM »

Hey Pablo! Have you perhaps seen the reply I made here on page 2, replay 22, about the PAT camera mod?
What do you think?


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2014, 09:08:59 PM »

Hey Pablo! Have you perhaps seen the reply I made here on page 2, replay 22, about the PAT camera mod?
What do you think?


   Yes, sorry, I have seen it. I haven't ever used it, but as far as I understand my VisualMOD included that always without having noticed the other MOD.

  My peripheral camera always follows the plane (the stock one always is parallel to ground and doesn't rotate with the plane). So you can position it anywhere pointing to the actor (your plane, your tank, your carrier...). Then if you use the external 6DOF, holding down the right button and twisting the point of view, you can see wherever from the point you fixed before.

  Ok, you can tell me: but your Visual MOD doesn't have a fixed behaviour, the changes are soft. Go to the Menu and disable the "Inertia" and you have what this PAT MOD used to do.

  You wanted: you get it.



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2014, 06:06:21 AM »

Thanks for the reply! By disabling Inertia you mean External soft view?

Your peripheral camera is great, even better than PAT mod because of the inertia, it`s more natural. But the best option the PAT mod gives IMO is this (some videos are better than words)...

1.36, 2.39, 4.10, 4.40, 5.16.....

0.28, 1.31-1.46, 2.23, 3.43...



The rest of this video shows a very cool camera ability, its from 2008, I had no idea that kind of mod existed...



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2014, 07:00:10 AM »

The static cameras are part of the game since the very early beginning. Those are actors you set wherever you want. The video of the Sabres from my point of view for all the views from the airfield have those type of cameras.

And the ones attached to the Mustangs, effectively done with what I think is the PAT MOD (I never used it) can be done exactly like that with the Visual MOD.

Yes, I meant disable external soft views.



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2014, 07:42:34 AM »

Yep, static cameras are stock ones, but the smooth FOV transition is what I ment for the last video. Maybe the same thing can be done for the FOV mod, just like shooting with a camera...

But if I disable the external soft views, I get the stock game camera behavior, can`t get any closer to the aircraft... So you are saying that you can attach the camera anywhere on the aircraft with your visual mod just like in the videos? Cause I can`t figure it out, I must be doing something wrong... Can you write exactly what you do to get that?




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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2014, 10:37:05 AM »

I don't know exactly what are the smooth transitions you refer. Everything is adjustable. You can set the length change speed (koofLen).

The Disable External Soft Views works as you said reverting to almost stock the behaviour, and was implemented like that by Storebror when he adapted the code by very first time for 4.12.

The way to get the real follow without inertia, is by setting this in Conf.ini (sabe your current values if you want to go back to them):


It will make instant (rigid) response to plane movement on where you see. Visual MOD essentially makes your point of view 100% relative to the actor. So with those values, the point of view gets "attached" to the position you fixed. The position itself is a 3DOF Spherical coordinate (Azimuth, Elevation, Length). The length is limited for each FOV. So if you want to get closer (over the plane), you should change the FOV, for example with what you tipically get in game with standard <Del> independent key of the keyboard which makes you go closer.

Then: so far being in a sphere close to the plane, but fixed and responding instantaneously to it, with the right mouse button and moving simultaneously the mouse, you point the camera wherever you want. So: if you maneuever the plane, the Camera will follow those movements pointing to the same relative point, being like "attached".

With a partial "attach" like the soft movements, it is interesting too, but it is true that it isn't like if the Camera was screwed to some part of the plane.



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2014, 12:54:57 PM »

By smooth transitions I mean the increasing and decreasing of FOV to be like zooming and widening the picture, just like rel life camera does. Where exactly is that koofLel? In conf? I can`t seem to find it...

I tried changing the values as you wrote, but I get extreme camera shaking. Nevertheless, it works, I see what you mean... It follows the plane without inertia, yes.

Let me see if I got it right... So, lets say I took a Panther, put a camera inside her left tank facing the nose... This is what can be done via Visual MOD 9 (4.12.2)...

The tank is the limit for the camera position, I can`t go beyond it. Decreasing the FOV angle makes the impression that the camera is attached to the tank (well almost) but if i went any tighter wit FOV, it would just make no sense...

This is what PAT MOD enables (only for 4.09)...

Went beyond the tank, FOV setting is 70° (End button).

Few mouse moves more and the camera is inside the intake (or anywhere else)...
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