In my skinning career I got contacted by a few people whose Familly related inventory I accidently skinned,
leaving my mark. Literally from allover the world. Here's sth. from a Do335 Testpilot who got inflicted in the only
combat like situation a pfeil ran into. It shows the Pilot at Paris/France and on the Eastern/Front. He was on special duties,
making delivery and acceptional flights as well as other special missions granted, from what I was told a very buisy pilot
travelling across Europe's theatre's of war, finally ending up in the Dornier programme. His living son once contacted me
and we chatted some time over stuff, nice Moments in a somewhat research dry atmosphere, when you got a glimpse
about the other sides of war.

Here's one more personal research upon a familly member of my own. My grandpa's cousin,
a named Friedrich Blessin, he rose to the ranks of Oberleutnant within 9./JG52, yeah, but not that Experte,
this 10 kill Ace was like 50% of the Fighterpilots a literal Wingmen, trained and skilled to fly, accompany
Aces like Hartmann, he was bounced by 3-4 Mustangs flying with Bubi over Romania on the Plotesti Raid, then ended up in Hospital.
These unknown Wingmens job was to fly glued to the Flightleaders 6 and follow a rabbit target instints, orders, rather than shooting up a shiny career.
Through research I found out the Werkenummern and types of Gustavs docummented he has flown, amongst 9./JG52 they occassionally
had to flew the sister Units 8./JG52 kites too. I had a not so nice conversation with a Senior Nazi PK UFA Member in posession of footages of interesst. Since he worked at UFA it was of very special interesst to me, my great granddad was the Firemen's Captain at UFA Filmworks, my familly ended up in Oranienburg and Sachsenhausen KZ Camps.
Chit-chatting with a real Nazi was a pleasure, prefferredly to one who's mind hasn't changed much after the war ended, finally about time for such a scenario.
This shithead insisted in a payment of hundreds of Euro for a fucking footage of some of my descendants kites. Means he forced people to pay for here in our Country licence free material.
My Grandpa said, old and grey you can get, but not cheeky. Old Berlin saying.
This Geobbels Corporate Dickhead got cheeky and hence grabbed for a verbal venting.
Here is a bad repro of Yellow 12, Friedrich has flown, at least 3 yellow 12s, a Yellow 10, white 10 and white 12 are in his records.

this is around the time of, I forgot that, when he was in rank of Leutnant within 9./JG52