Hi Folks,
Thanks to Gumpy we have a corrected v2 with the Prop right.
Please see Reply #15 to get latest version, Link is updated...
Sorry for the mess
Happy flying
Hi Phil,
Great pictures, at least some of the hubbed were in use.
I swear I've read sth. somewhere, but here dementia crawls...
so this from memory sth. with USN
it stood they got delivered with hubs, but stored the prop
hubs together with spare props under deck in storage, ready to be used. That's all, no pic or trace.
I didn't read a thing about the why they removed and now really put them back or not.
I guess it was in Squadron Signal edition for F-4 Hellcats in action or another heavy book, but not
in Osprey, that I remember faintly.
I had until now not seen a trace of an US Wildcat with a hub. But as Beowolf mentioned, there's still
a myth and around the actual FMs, 1 or 2. At least the brits could assort them by their Serials.
But as said, it ends here with the this tiny adventure in Mod-fiddling, I'm going back to where I saddled.
Skinning and QMB fiddling, the first being primarly grassed up from my HD, now I'm working on QMB.
Since it's a tough job, I can't accept secondary or sideprojects anymore. But it was a joy to work with you guys
and discuss things on a higher level, it made fiddling more vivid.
Best wishes