I like 412 because it so challenging.
When flying a campaigns mission as fighter I'm glad
when I have one kill and survive and make it home...

I like it that I have to fly some QMB missions with a plane I seldom fly
before I start a campaign with this plane.. without training I am dead.

But sometimes its impossible to survive (at least for me).
Example and challenge to you gentlemen:
This is a mission from old stock campaign Leningrad, flying
as leader of a 8 planes 109F-4 flight. Missions goal is
to protect the He-111s. So you have to engage Lagg3-4s
and Yak-7Bs. A lot of them.
I tried this mission 5 times, always the same result:
all of my AI 109ers were killed, and I could only survive
when I had fled.

When I engaged I had no chance.
I gave up, saved the mission and will try in a few years ..

Have a try and dl the attached mission. Play it in 4.12.
Good luck. And tell us how it was ..