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Author Topic: AI Downgrade  (Read 9340 times)

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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2014, 11:21:59 PM »

I like 412 because it so challenging.
When flying a campaigns mission as fighter I'm glad
when I have one kill and survive and make it home... ;D

I like it that I have to fly some QMB missions with a plane I seldom fly
before I start a campaign with this plane.. without training I am dead.  :P

But sometimes its impossible to survive (at least for me). 

Example and challenge to you gentlemen:

This is a mission from old stock campaign Leningrad, flying
as leader of a 8 planes 109F-4 flight. Missions goal is
to protect the He-111s. So you have to engage Lagg3-4s
and Yak-7Bs. A lot of them.

I tried this mission 5 times, always the same result:
all of my AI 109ers were killed, and I could only survive
when I had fled.  :-X When I engaged I had no chance.

I gave up, saved the mission and will try in a few years ..  ;D

Have a try and dl the attached mission. Play it in 4.12.
Good luck. And tell us how it was ..  8)
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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2014, 11:52:02 PM »

.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2014, 02:22:45 AM »

Yes, 4.12 is harder.

This thread makes two valid points. (1) Some players are happy with the overall harder difficulty level hardwired into 4.12. (2) Some players clearly want more freedom in selecting the level of difficulty. With that said, I hope that someone does find a way to mod game to give the player a wider difficult level range than that provided in 4.12. I think including the ability to adjust the difficulty level for a broad range of players is just a commonsense feature for any game to have.

I know that such a mod would make some of us happy. Oddly, I suspect that such a mod might make some of us unhappy. The tone of some posts suggests that there are a few people who are troubled by other people having a choice. If there ever is such a mod, I am confident those few individuals will do the right thing and just get over it.





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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2014, 04:02:08 AM »

Absolutely right Riptide.
Modding is all about variety. We should try to please both the tough boys and the spare time flyers.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2014, 04:39:55 AM »

... there are a few people who are troubled by other people having a choice.

well, those few had better get used to the fact that we are all about choice on this site ;)
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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2014, 04:56:18 AM »

I like 412 because it so challenging.
When flying a campaigns mission as fighter I'm glad
when I have one kill and survive and make it home... ;D

That's the way it was back in WW2, many missions where you didn't get one, that's why those that made Ace in a day were so revered!

And I agree if I get one maybe two and make it home safe it was a great mission, if i make just it home it was a good mission.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2014, 06:18:06 AM »

Yes, 4.12 is harder.

This thread makes two valid points. (1) Some players are happy with the overall harder difficulty level hardwired into 4.12. (2) Some players clearly want more freedom in selecting the level of difficulty. With that said, I hope that someone does find a way to mod game to give the player a wider difficult level range than that provided in 4.12. I think including the ability to adjust the difficulty level for a broad range of players is just a commonsense feature for any game to have.

I know that such a mod would make some of us happy. Oddly, I suspect that such a mod might make some of us unhappy. The tone of some posts suggests that there are a few people who are troubled by other people having a choice. If there ever is such a mod, I am confident those few individuals will do the right thing and just get over it.



You can adjust this in dgen campaigns (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Knowledge_Base&op=show&kid=28 ) by setting the conf.ini / Dgen section / CampaignAI= easy or normal , dont use Hard, 'CampaignDifficulty' when set to easy will add one level to all friendly groups and decrease enemy experience.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2014, 07:27:33 AM »

Yes, 4.12 is harder.

This thread makes two valid points. (1) Some players are happy with the overall harder difficulty level hardwired into 4.12. (2) Some players clearly want more freedom in selecting the level of difficulty. With that said, I hope that someone does find a way to mod game to give the player a wider difficult level range than that provided in 4.12. I think including the ability to adjust the difficulty level for a broad range of players is just a commonsense feature for any game to have.

I know that such a mod would make some of us happy. Oddly, I suspect that such a mod might make some of us unhappy. The tone of some posts suggests that there are a few people who are troubled by other people having a choice. If there ever is such a mod, I am confident those few individuals will do the right thing and just get over it.



You can adjust this in dgen campaigns (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Knowledge_Base&op=show&kid=28 ) by setting the conf.ini / Dgen section / CampaignAI= easy or normal , dont use Hard, 'CampaignDifficulty' when set to easy will add one level to all friendly groups and decrease enemy experience.

No. Because in 4.12 the usual difference between green, average, veteran and ace is very low. In 4.12, an average AI pilot will kill you with high deflection shots and very difficult maneouvres in the air. In 4.11 you could choose the AI level and usually, the AI behaviour was logically adapted.

That is the problem with this version.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2014, 07:47:00 AM »

Hi all.

I made this request mainly on the grounds that I love 16 vs 16 dogfights, and in 4.07 (the version I really "trained" on), this was easy. Now, it appears that the ai I engage can call for help on their radios, and about all the enemy fighters in the area (about 50, so it can seem :P) in. And where I could eventually either outturn or wait out for a wingman in the case of a single assailant (in 4.07), all the ai dive in, making single gun-runs, and where I could maybe outmaneuver 1, I must constantly adjust to the assaults of 5+ enemies. My target, on the other hand here, has now joined them. Where are my wingmen? About 6-7 kilometers away chasing some poor fool. In small (1 vs 1-4 vs 4) battles, I have less of a problem with it.
Part of my trouble is that I love BnZ style planes like the Fw-190s or the Me-262s (for example), and in 4.07 I could afford to be stupid and "chase" a target on occasion. As soon as I start truly BnZ'ing, I am nearly untouchable.

I guess that would be the real reason for my request there.

Bombers ripping my plane to shreds, while annoying, is also accurate and if you go fast enough, it doesn't happen all that often.


P.S Challenge accepted, Gerax 8).


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2014, 08:11:49 AM »

Indeed, 4.12 AI is quite ok, but the AI should not shoot that well


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2014, 09:16:35 AM »

PA_Willy is spot on, the problem with 4.12 as i see it is that there seems little real difference between the skill grades


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2014, 12:06:21 PM »

Yeah I really do too, in my opinion pre-4.12 AI was just stupid.  They would get tripped up when doing simple maneuvers and on Ace setting they'd all pounce on you.  I especially noticed the AI's fighter in-capabilities when attacking bombers.  They would miss every single shot except for the last 4 or 5 shots.  But now they will hit over 50% of shots, makes my work a little easier hahaha.
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