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Author Topic: AI Downgrade  (Read 9205 times)

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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2014, 12:10:59 PM »

And on that note, if new settings could be implemented in addition to the ones already there, like perhaps a "Greenie" or a "Raw Recruit"  That might make it a little easier, because rookies, although do not have much experience will in fact have SOME.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2014, 12:33:06 PM »

I never really noticed any change over the pass 4 1/2 years.
For the most part I have been playing on-line and not much off line.
Because I enjoy WW-1 and have that installed in my Mod Act 5.3 they are harder to bring down.
I also play WW-1 off line so I get to see the new AI. They fly better and not an easy kill.[HARDER]
That is what its all about - I don't like easy.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2014, 11:20:27 PM »

quite right, Gunny - i  enjoy the challenge, too.
if it's too easy, then it becomes stale much quicker...
which is why i like sims of most kinds, as opposed to the arcade kiddy experience.
the harder, the better - you get a much nicer feeling of accomplishment when you actually bag one or two this way :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2014, 04:38:32 AM »

I stopped playing lot of games because the AI wasnt challenging enough in the long term. I never was a big fan of Team Daidalos but I must admit that they did a very good job with the last two patches. In older versions I've found the dgen campaigns too easy even on the hardest setting, in 4.12 the whole thing makes lot more sense because even a 4 vs 4 engagement can be exciting.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2014, 04:55:49 AM »

You can selectively change enemy AI level in a mission with this tool, doesn't take too long to change a set of missions/average size campaign:


It has some other good features, too.

But maybe a better solution would be to see and select skill level in-game on the mission briefing... hint hint Benitomuso   ;)




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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2014, 05:19:10 AM »

Yes, Quick Mission Tuner is a great utility program for missionbuilders, I like the "duplicate flights" option, if a mission is boring you can just duplicate those enemy flights and raise their skill level.


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2014, 07:32:04 PM »

I came into IL-2 again after a looooong break, and patched up to 4.12 and started flying again. I didn't last very long, until I started respecting the AI and what it could do, even the seemingly impossible :(

1. Keep energy as long as you can. Avoid trying to pull the wings off if you're not actually getting shot at, wide climbing turns while you clear your tail.  Getting slow in a dogfight is going to get you killed, which leads to 2...

2. Avoid Dogfights, or rather kinifefights in phoneboxes. Seriously. Avoid getting into a turning fight, even if every historical reference you have ever seen, says you can out-turn your opponent. While you're keeping him off your tail. his mates are turning up to banjo you.

3. Check your tail. Always. Sounds obvious right? But as the AI seems to be able to kill you from a l;ong way out, watch your tail. Especially if you have a sitting duck you're attacking. It's almost as if the game is luring you in, so the AI can bounce you all to hell and  go back for ersatz coffee ond Knight's Crosses :(

4. Improve and practice your all-angle gunnery. Get in close, hose him down and break off , even if he's not burning. Leave him for your wingmen, and find the next threat, which I guarantee will be least where you expected him.

5. Height. Height. Height. Height is Speed, speed is life. The game always seems to want to put you at a height disadvantage. As you go up the promotion ladder, and you can control flights and squadrons, bang on another 5000 feet above the controller's reccomendation. There is a mod that allows you to go wings level and maintain height (Stabs4all) ? Get it, it's invaluable. It is deeply satisfying to actiually roll in with a height advantage while they're on the edge of a stall, you'll soon start racking up the kills.

6. Flak. Seriously, is it just me, or have the gunners in 4.12 been away to gunnery school since 4.07?  The only way I can survive most of the time, is to start ground hugging or take a wide detour. Exhilarating at speed, but dealing with flak positions by strafing seems to be very difficult now. Terrain hugging is also good to avoid the 88's of course. It's also good to try and get some space and build speed in airfield attacks scenarios when you're trying to get into the fight

7. CFIT, or getting the enemy to fly into the ground, as mentioned in another post. It's a proper tactic, and one I use a lot. Split-S'ing after an attack at low-level seems to encourage the AI to come after you fangs out. Find a fold in the terrain, aim for it and pull out at the last moment, get warm feeling in tummy looking at smoking hole AI's, then go back and kill their mates.

8.  The Double-Handed polebender or Last Best Move.  Sometimes, the best course of action is to literally stuff everything into a corner. A really violent evasive manouvere will get him off you. I'm less worried about bending the aircraft than have him shoot me full of holes.

9. Following your kill down. Don't. A lot of the time in 4.12 you'll end up a smoking hole in the same field.

10. Billy, don't be a Hero. If you're getting hit, and you're out of ideas, roll inverted and get out.

I appreciate what I've just written is teaching most of you to suck eggs, but these are just my observations since playing 4.12 :D


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2014, 01:12:34 AM »

7. CFIT, or getting the enemy to fly into the ground, as mentioned in another post. It's a proper tactic, and one I use a lot. Split-S'ing after an attack at low-level seems to encourage the AI to come after you fangs out. Find a fold in the terrain, aim for it and pull out at the last moment, get warm feeling in tummy looking at smoking hole AI's, then go back and kill their mates.

for #7 which is a bug you need this fix


Patch 002:
* Ground avoidance bug fixed in Carrier Takeoff (CTO) mod. This bug caused AI controlled planes to crash into ground frequently.

In the 4.12 patch the AI terrain avoidance was in fact improved:

AI changes

- New taxi waypoints for AI (they can now taxi to the runway before takeoff).

- Improved land avoidance.

- AI detects when under AAA fire and can break the attack.

- Shooting model changed to be more human like.

- Added more options to the ‘order list’ (default key TAB).

- Planes with co-pilot don't "go dead" when pilot is killed and co-pilot is still alive.

- Fixed bug in ground collision detection, that could cause AI to crash into ground if plane was banked too much.

from 4.12 readme


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2014, 11:56:35 AM »

Thanks VP!

Is there any reason why Flak is now a hell of a lot more accurate, or is that just my imagination? Trains and boats especially now seem to have really killer crews :(
Also, does anyone know if the AI actually ever runs out of ammunition?


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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2014, 12:35:17 PM »

Its is obvious there's nothing to recall Online AI related or did I miss sth.?

We should correct Title to "Downgrade AI in Multplayer, now!"  8)

In 4.101m you could do a bunch of Tricks to shake up someone at your 6.
This Stabs are just the last thing we need, it does help, but actually doesn't cure the prob and
 grips at it's roots. Attack behaviour has been screwed, while defense and counter attack
 became senseless cases. Here I speak only about AI changes, seperable of course from that what
Player can get. Does it make sense a Mission in 4.101m is playable, played multiple times in DBW, actually showing
 randomized behavior. Well people who like pre-scripted never randomized Dejavus can jump on 412.
While in 4.12 it disables half of AI. I tried enabling more friendly AI, just ends the same as flying alone.
For sure I miss the Trim and proper engine settings. 
I can head alone into a fight, my Buddies are of no help, they do more stupid actions than before.
A fearrabbit behaviour circling in 6k among the dogfight is no cure, preventing from going in.
In 4.101m I never dared to go down and join the furball, at least I never cared much about my Buddies,
now I do fear, they got replaced by brainless Jerks. The curious, their manouvers are not highly technique, but only coded and
always referring the same damn pattern, where 4.101m gave random behaviour both for Attack defense or counter attack measures.
It's like an awesome stripped off 4.101m, the crappy default weapon and damagemodels won't help getting a hollywoodish
 impact Blisters Strobo show, one can whitness if he can see the white in their eyes.
This shows, UP3/DBW inventions will stay on tuned on my install, they proved more to be capable Offline.
Maybe it feels better 412 all Multiplayer/Online, for sure, but Offline with AI, ney.
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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2014, 03:16:35 PM »

For vpmedia's DBW_1916, the 4.12 AI are great. Low and slow they are much much better than 4.10.1. As noted, it was easy to fly the AI into the ground before 4.12. I hate to admit that after a 5 minute dogfight, the 4.12 AI flew me into the ground. I think FatCat99 has done a good job with the AI. I'm not sure how much difference it makes in general, but for WW1 dogfighting down in the dirt, 4.12 is a great improvement.



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Re: AI Downgrade
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2014, 04:25:01 AM »

For vpmedia's DBW_1916, the 4.12 AI are great. Low and slow they are much much better than 4.10.1. As noted, it was easy to fly the AI into the ground before 4.12. I hate to admit that after a 5 minute dogfight, the 4.12 AI flew me into the ground. I think FatCat99 has done a good job with the AI. I'm not sure how much difference it makes in general, but for WW1 dogfighting down in the dirt, 4.12 is a great improvement.


Thanks, good info.
Are you using this modpack for 'dbw1916 in 4.12'? :
I havent tried it yet because I'm low on hd space and already got two installs.
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