True for custom settings.
As the simulator stands now, there are two possible settings:
simple and hardcore.
you do not have a clue what checkboxes are checked for either modus.
it is not clear what settings are on, what settings are off [complex engine management, simple ballistics, simple FM, overheat on/off...]
this applies to both Offline grind campaign as well as online server modus [i think...!]
its either easy or hard. no info on either available.
That kind of sucks because you can not choose your settings according to your skills and tastes.
my tastes are like this, basically full real with icons(till i get the hang of spotting enemy planes):
my next kind of gripe is
the community at the official forums.
I have never loved the ubisoft forums, banana forums... and now, the 777 forums are much the same - emerging luftwhiners and commie whiners, and above all, people banging again and again on the same "problems" and expecting change NOW and continuously spreading hate.
That moment when the staff member of the team flipped out and said they were all about to pull the plug because of negative user reviews... i can understand that.
Apart from a few very old hands feathered_IV, Icefire under the new name shamrockonefive [the dude who pushed the tempest in 1946] and a few select others,
the scene is composed to 33% of Idiots,
who, at the moment at least, have nothing positive to say, a lot of bad vibes to dump on the Unlock subject
and are complaining that the Sim is not to their personal taste.
I must recommend you stay away from those forums and find like-minded people who like the sim, and who like to FLY in the sim.
and if you want to communicate your points of view, be prepared, say what you have to say, and do not get engaged in arguments.
You might get some good feedback... is a shame - i need to tell the moderators and game makers they should Visit some squad forums instead of the Ocean of acid that exists at their own doorstep.
squad forums with positive and intelligent, laid-back sort of people.