Do not get me wrong, I am just too reminded by banana forum and how COD was met. I really hope BOS get developed further with more planes and a Kursk map.
Imagine the HS-129 in that sim. Must be a brute to fly
the simulator instructions will come with a specific PDF document on how to properly pray to the almighty gods so it does not fall out of the sky!

I would love to see the eastern front complete for BoS, From the day the Germans started the storm, to the day the red Flag was raised on the Reichstag - complete in its variety, in its depth.
Just like we got the Eastern Front now. Planes, objects, maps, sounds...
It is incredible what is available in 46 just for that Theatre.
i mean... the 1C/777 gamemakers might very very well operate under russian Cultus control and guidance and that might not be such a bad thing to have big entities provide resources.
And i agree that 1946 has a future.
But not the future of Massive use and abuse it once had.
It will get used for another decade - just not in the same way, for the same purpose as in 2008 or 2010.
It will get modded, and more and more move offline, until it is more of a sandbox for modding than get used in flight, together.
Here my Signature at the sim-outhouse forums.

had that for years, and still is true for parts of the Combat flight Sim community and Oleg's 1946.
But look how bad the players are looking for alternatives... Except for the "diehards", the pure 1946 lovers that care about nothing else in a negative way, but pour their energy and power and time and knowledge into this little gem - in a positive way.
There is a 109 in the A-10 and Flanker game i hear... People want to fly Ponies and 109's, Modern ones that use our current Hardware. They don't even care if it's over the Krim and there is no war going on at all. Or that there are no trees over there, and that terrain is even older than 1946.
They just want New, up to date WWII stuff.
1946 is not new, and i doubt it will be updated.