i found this clip, where a street gets Bombed by heinkel.
(around 8:20+)
and if memory serves right - the houses that are destroyed "sink" into the bottom (like the hangars) and are replaced by rubble.
So maybe the reference point, "the Thing to beat" when it comes to Stalingrad City, is indeed not 1946 but Clod?
The Match does not begin evenly, as Stalingrad city starts off as a destroyed City, not a City in its best shape and form.
a thing i would love to see though.
Green spaces, trees, Parks, Parked cars and lorries well decorated houses, train station, industry park and loco factory to the north churning out locomotives and Waggons
and Barking dogs everywhere...
Stalingrad before "Stalingrad" might be a Place to enjoy flying over.
Incentives to abandon 1946!agree on the CloDII assessment, and the Community Building.
Sad truth is, Players do not have time, nobody waits months and months for tools.
If you want to draw masses of people, you need strong arguments and incentives up front, and a big Playground for people to have fun on.
the WIP and early access thing is a slow buildup of the incentive.
It draws people, yes.
But only the people who are looking for the next Step, who are already trying to move on.
Not those who are happy with the modded game they might have [46].
If 777 were to draw the 1946(+mods?) Community from 1946 to BoS, they would need 50 more planes, a handsfull new maps + season variants and an end of the bickering.
because the people that mod the game are not interested in bickering.
Yet it can be ended with intense communication, which costs time, and time only. no server resources, no programmers no texture artists. Only people that know what happens in the office are needed. [see "questions for the devs" thread - we have so many questions! ]
The 1946 community i interact with [SAS] build their own stuff with the Tools at hand, and are pragmatic, "no-bullshit" kind of people.
Bickering, complaints and Bullshit is like Migraine. You might be in Paradise... with Migraine it still sucks. Anything sucks with Migraine.
Community buildingSo yes, The BoS team needs to stand tall, open its arms and welcome new players in an active manner.
Speaking, explaining what they do, why they do things, why some things are not as expected, why some choices were made.
and then they need to provide tools to play around with. Good and simple, or at least effective tools.
Two guys on all Combat flight Sim Forums (simHQ, Sim outhouse, mission4today, SAS...) doing communications, answering questions and explaining choices for 4 hours per day over a 3 month period.
That would help the complaining and bickering a Lot i gather. Team Fusion does that, and it regularly catches my interest when they show up with some tidbits.
It would actively show the 777 team
embraces all new players.
That they are present to
dispel worries, and lend a hand in getting you started
Because in BoS you need to build your own Playground, and that's NOT COOL.
what good are all the planes for, if there are no campaigns on or offline to fly them in.
Currently you get Bootcamp, QMB, and Online QMB/Airquake, and you have to rely on others from the community to provide that service too.
Sinking ship?Every day that Passes.
every teaser about a skin viewer, posted on friday morning - and no releas on friday afternoon just in time for weekend is poison to BoS, it is a hope gone up... and down again.
The announcement that Dev diaries will be updated less frequent after release... is poison.
The announcement that no plans for the future exist... is poison.
(The news that a plan will be announced at the end of December does not balance that. People only remember bad news.)
It's all about communication - tell us what you got, tell us what you add to it, and tell us what you will add to it in the future.
Hardly any of us want a Roller-coaster relationship with BoS. We want clarity concerning today, and a road-map concerning the future.
No clarity? No road-map? No future.
Uncle Oleg and his team managed to remove doubts concerning the future of IL-2.
when i heard of the AEP, something made click in my head and i knew: Ah, now they are going around the world, and this is gonna be a Loooooong Journey.
And a Journey it was.
Holy shit what a trip!
all in all, the
"gimme 90 bucks up front, i'll give you a promise for a good game + tools in exchange"
is , yea... kind of... biting me in the ass, as i get a hand-me-down complicated and hard to use FMB [oh spare me the "it's powerfull!"] and am still waiting for the skin Viewer that i find utterly unnecessary in the first place.