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Author Topic: Game's on, People! The dark side.  (Read 73015 times)

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Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #288 on: February 07, 2015, 04:41:19 AM »

Yup, pretty much agree.
also - a few weeks back i figured they will eventually drop the unlocks. [eventually =2050 maybe]

so i stopped grinding - knowing i would  surely get all the German guns and bombs for no effort.
so... YESSSS! :P :P :P :P

But then FACEPALM!
They pissed off the crowd again.
What the crowd wanted was : REMOVE IT.
what they did was: Only if you pay up, Mothertruckers! Heheee

That's just Firetrucking DUMB.
They did not listen to the WE WANT IT GONE message.
and the message was simple, clear, concise. there were no "only for the premim" addentums. there were no "only if you preordered"  conditions.
there was no small print in the request, there were no conditions, there were no ifs and Buts and asteriskes...

How DUMB Must one be to not listen to a loud and clear clear "REMOVE DAT SHIT NOW" Message, or to water it down and Fuck with the community by dividing them, pissing off any non-premium users?


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #289 on: February 07, 2015, 06:03:09 AM »

 ... +1 Istvan ...!

The potential customers (IL2 fans like us) were there  ... and only needed to be teased and convinced ...

So some of us swallowed the bait, but today when I see guys like Mike being so disappointed ...


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #290 on: February 07, 2015, 06:23:53 AM »

Funny to see how over @il2sturmovik.com forums the regarding discussion thread is full of bootlickers and only few people dare to express their concerns put into ironic posts like these:

I./ZG15_robtek, on 06 Feb 2015 - 21:45, said:
Never in the history of man where so few so happy about so little.
Really, first introducing one of the most hated things in the flight sim community, then being stubborn about removing it and finally being applauded for removing it partially???
One thing is for sure, this team is very innovative how to alienate everybody but the most ardour fans.
Link: http://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/14433-developer-diary-part-87-discussion/page-4#entry228885

Not much to add.
Good to know that we can speak freely here and to those who have ever been wondering of @SAS there would be something like "censorship", take that thread as a comparative example.

Just read that they have only 2 programmers:
*Cough* Two? *Cough*
Isn't that too much? :P

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #291 on: February 07, 2015, 07:56:21 AM »

"Never in the history of man were so few so happy about so little.
Really, first introducing one of the most hated things in the flight sim community, then being stubborn about removing it and finally being applauded for removing it partially???
One thing is for sure, this team is very innovative how to alienate everybody but the most ardour fans."

... I have never read anything as sensible as what I./ZG15_robtek wrote ...!  ;)

That's a very good summary of the strategic/commercial mistakes the BoSses made ...

So now, if I understand well this great "breakthrough", if you're not interested in buying, say, the La5 for ex and only want to fly/buy the FW190 A3, then you still are stuck with the "unlocks" ...  >:(

Pathetic !    :-[


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #292 on: February 07, 2015, 10:44:52 AM »

Hello all,

At he risk of sounding like an apologist for 1C, I think the 'unlock' thing has been blown a little out of proportion when it comes to   it's impact on online play. Granted, if you are a dedicated ground-pounder like Storebor, it is a pain to grind away in order to get the ordnance you need to be effective. If your taste runs to fighters on the other hand, it doesn't matter nearly as much since a dedicated air-to-air player will more often than not fly a 'clean' aircraft. And as Storebor said earlier, it sucks to be a ground-pounder right now so you don't see many of them anyway.

Ok, skins could be an issue but right now you don't see too many players using mods online with single-engined fighters.

MP is rather dull right now, no argument there. That said, there are new maps coming out and apparently we'll soon be getting the ability to host dedicated servers and a mission editor. This means we'll finally get some decent goal-based missions, not the frag fest we currently suffer through. At least I hope so  8)!

I can't say I agree with their business practices, they seem to lurch from one pr crisis to the next. I'm not sure if you can blame the programmers for that; paying for extra content is not evil per se, in the case of RoF, there were different packages offered with the higher priced ones offering better aircraft and there is very little aggro over it.

I believe 1C's epic fail is in the area of managing expectations. If you're going to tell the world that you are building the best combat flight sim ever, requiring high-end hardware to run, and marketed heavily to anal-retentive WW2 enthusiasts like us  ;), you'd better deliver the goods and for the life of me, I don't understand why they've chosen to ignore some of the excellent features seen in earlier combat flight sims, I guess we'll just have to see how things develop.

I hope the folks working on Star Citizen are paying attention...

Pip, pip,
aka =CFC=Conky

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Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #293 on: February 07, 2015, 10:55:25 AM »

I must say beforehand that you , or rather your Post makes me Freaking mad.

so without further ado:

soon we will get a server / hosting option. That shit was needed for the community to grow, for players to come to BoS, for 1946 pilots to join the battle... (not me, not you, for the community)
it was needed from the start.

A ) it wasnt there from the start which is BAD.
B ) now we get, as announced, a 4 month delay, but more realistic a 6 to 8 month delay.

SOON isnt good enough.
even by now its too damn late.

Rinse and repeat for the FMB.

The season maps are announced for Q3, 2015. The third quarter consists of July, August and September.
so you WILL fly over white landscape for anotzher six months.
IF all goes well.
Realistically, you will fly over white landscape for another 9 months.
because there are always sick people and setbacks that cause delays, just like the 50% workforce drop they suffered for the FMB.
the game Makers have no Backup Resources, nobody to work for them except TWO Guys.
One of them gets sick or leaves for reason X, the entire development grinds to a halt.

Bottom, line, you said it well:
there is not enough to do, the Game is DULL.
no tools to provided to us with the tools we want to have fun in their Game.

No way to run an online game, and their offline game just became redundant with the unlocks gone.

And indeed, its not about the Unlocks.
Its about The game makers not taking the long time flightsimmers seriously, messing up their game and then taking a half-assed step Back.
Oh yea we can paint Skins now.
Do that for the next 8 months, will ye.

And no, i dont give a damn about a sick man creating a delay.
that's none of my problems. Although i wish the Man a full and speedy recovery, i still expect the company to respect their engagements, keep their frickin promise.
because if they do not keep their promise i am going mad? Hell no. Who cares about me.
because if they do not keep their promise, they can soon close their damned Shop.

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Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #294 on: February 07, 2015, 11:48:18 AM »

...and get some German programmers instead.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #295 on: February 07, 2015, 12:27:10 PM »

I believe that this speaks more to how the critical game development resources, money and time, have changed since IL-2: 1946 has been released. Software must now play to a wholly different class of computer—more resolution, more complexity—as well as the expectations becoming of that increase. I have seen this in the video game industry as well.

Everything has become much more expensive for developers, not just in terms of money. Technology has advanced... but as human beings, we are still running on the same 200,000-year-old software.


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #296 on: February 07, 2015, 01:09:54 PM »

I must say beforehand that you , or rather your Post makes me Freaking mad.


Hehe, I guess I better watch my six on the SAS server from now on  :D. Dial the clock back to 2001 and this thread could very well be about a little game called IL2 Sturmovik. Now that game sucked  :P!

Apologies for stating the obvious, but when it comes to the 'old' IL2, what we're playing now bears little resemblance to the original in terms of content and gameplay. Granted, post-IL2:1946 this great stuff was created by the community and annoying as BoS is right now, I believe the 'bones' of the game are solid. There's still a lot of work to be done on it, be sure, but it's not the garbage it's made out to be. Time will tell if it has legs.

Pip, pip,
Suivez les conseils de Bison Bourré, foncez!

Father Ted

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #297 on: February 07, 2015, 01:37:38 PM »

Apologies for stating the obvious, but when it comes to the 'old' IL2, what we're playing now bears little resemblance to the original in terms of content and gameplay. Granted, post-IL2:1946 this great stuff was created by the community and annoying as BoS is right now, I believe the 'bones' of the game are solid. There's still a lot of work to be done on it, be sure, but it's not the garbage it's made out to be. Time will tell if it has legs.

Pip, pip,

My views too.  Also I find it amazing the amount of energy expended by videogame-haters.

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #298 on: February 07, 2015, 02:01:16 PM »

oh, i threw my 1946 installs overboard two weeks ago, and i get mad for next to nothing so don't worry.

dunno - i really joined in the FB age, and while i distinctively remember i absolutely HATED the graphics,[called them Playmobile-like] that i also very much liked the content,
-the Multiple, very varied Maps - hated some, loved the little square online map with the valleys...
-the relatively wide range of planes
-but what i Loved from day one was the paintjob option,
-and that i could do my Playmobile like playing in the FMB, as the CFS3 Mission Builder sucked bad.

of those four, in my opinion, all i have for now is the paintjob option.

i expected much faster development and release of tools above all.
i mean, the FMB is an adaptation of the old one,
and the online option and server program have been a WIP for a year now.

and then the "back and forth we-do-not-know-how-to-handle" Unlock situation.
Fun times!
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #299 on: February 07, 2015, 06:15:06 PM »

i expected much faster development and release of tools above all.
i mean, the FMB is an adaptation of the old one,
and the online option and server program have been a WIP for a year now.

and then the "back and forth we-do-not-know-how-to-handle" Unlock situation.
Fun times!

Well as Silius_Sodus pointed out these things have always taken time to develop - and almost always longer than the customers think!  With the FMB they are trying to improve the RoF one, so work has to be done there (takes time).  The unlocks thing is a huge fuss about nothing.  And what's more, now they do away with it and STILL people whine.

Perhaps, like you Typhoon, I'm irritated by attitudes I see, and I feel the need to respond.  So I'm not jumping into this thread to have a go at you - I just feel that a lot of the aggro directed at 1C/777 is unfair.
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