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Author Topic: Game's on, People! The dark side.  (Read 73753 times)

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Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #72 on: December 06, 2014, 04:01:20 AM »

Writing the Moderator Team a message to ban you upon entry.
I mean... what you can do today, you avoid doing tomorrow, right?


I hope you keep in mind the things you have seen and learned so far.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #73 on: December 06, 2014, 04:41:04 AM »

Writing the Moderator Team a message to ban you upon entry.

Be careful what you say about moderators and banparty at BOS forum.   :-X  ;)
Topics about the subject get locked at BOS forum and also at SimHQ right now.

Don't let the BOS virus infects SAS.  :D

"The Best Things In Live Aren't Things"

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #74 on: December 06, 2014, 05:28:23 AM »

U fuckin mad?
Do you seriously think i am that kind of premium quality asshole?

Just messin with malone, man...

Woah man... for real?

*chuckle* ;D

*opens link, reads thread*
Woah, that is some nasty stuff right there.
Some top notch posts dribbling with negativity. Holy Kraut!
What the fudgepie! There are people who have similar opinions than i do.
OtoH... some posts are completely Bull from what i can see.

great fun reading.

and again I failed to provide negativity.
Please forgive me.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #75 on: December 06, 2014, 07:35:08 AM »

someone's having a ban party, and they didn't invite me?  ???    :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #76 on: December 06, 2014, 07:45:00 AM »

You gonna love it Malone,but be forgiving about the weaknesses. Kind of fed up with the drama queens in this genre, none is capable to leave a game in silence. It got to be a rage for month to end before they do


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #77 on: December 06, 2014, 07:45:51 AM »

ban party

I typed  'ban party' in the Google search bar just to see if something would show up. And guess what was the first hit is:
Wikipedia: Ban on factions in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union  ;D  ;D  ;D

That can't be coincidence related to BOS.  :D
"The Best Things In Live Aren't Things"

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #78 on: December 06, 2014, 07:58:39 AM »

Awe man! that was just plain Mean.  ;D

Once the Dedicated server is out and we can host our own Missions, selfmade Missions (besides the learning of the FMB) - we can fly with the people we want, and have the slots to do so.
I predict that the Squad life can then start for real. and the Whole forum rage will die down because people have "something to do", can use the game and its tools to make their own content.

also: except for the normal noob cases, the online/inflight chat has become mature enough, as the true haters have ragequit.
The official forums are really the worst part of the game.
Fun thing is... you don't need them, not much anyway.

But so far its been a rough six weeks.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #79 on: December 06, 2014, 04:43:47 PM »

Writing the Moderator Team a message to ban you upon entry.

Be careful what you say about moderators and banparty at BOS forum.   :-X  ;)
Topics about the subject get locked at BOS forum and also at SimHQ right now.

Don't let the BOS virus infects SAS.  :D

This virus seems to be getting well-established in SimHQ.

I made a post in defense of 33Lima's BoS review in Combatace thus:

"If I may say so, Lima is a great enthusiast for all kinds of simulation and is a regular poster here as well as in Combatace. In common with the general reviewing standard there, I have always found him fair and very reliable in his conclusions. His reviewing ability is complemented by his impressive grasp of military history. I don't have this game and stand here on the sidelines, but I learned more about it from Lima's review than anybody else, even though Heinkill's was very good too.

Finally, considering what we like to think we simulate, brave men risking their all in the most demanding conditions, what a spoilt, petty, self-indulgent bunch of whiners we seem to be becoming. It's only a bloody game and there will always be as many opinions about anything as there are people expressing them. Let's lighten up."

Which was followed by this from a moderator:

"Let's lighten up indeed... A good start would be to avoid characterizing a group of pilots as "spoilt, petty, self-indulgent bunch of whiners". It was worded carefully, yet it's getting very close to violating the SimHQ forum rules." And in red print for emphasis, to show what a cad I was.

Reassure me that it's not me who's going insane, please.


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #80 on: December 06, 2014, 06:04:22 PM »

SkyHigh, if you take what you posted and the moderators response in context with what has been going on at the SimHQ BOS  forum, you might not feel so slighted.

There has been some chaos there, caused by both sides of the issue and it was getting a bit heated so they appointed a moderator without a horse in the race and he has calmed the waters by advising anyone who gets close to a TOS violation to relax.

Free discussion is not allowed on the official BOS forums and Sim HQ is a good place to discuss, complain, love or hate the game but not the players who we disagree with.

Fortunately the firestorm surrounding what was possibly on track to being a really good new WWII entry has not gained a real foothold here.

There is way too much good going on here to bother with the problems of another game.

I don't think you are going insane but given the fact that some think me to be just that, you should not pay much attention to me :)

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #81 on: December 06, 2014, 07:36:22 PM »

Sky -
the words you chose were, as the Moderator said... (and le0ne seems to agree somewhat) actively chosen and maybe a bit too honest for the average user.
This type of honesty is often on the border of insulting, both to oneself as well as to the guys reading the text.

I understand you really felt you needed to push the point by choosing the language you chose, clearly and to the point like a fist in the face.
Had you chosen language like "let us all step back and put the game, and the violence we pour into it in context of our every day lives, let's calm down please"

...you might as well have spoken to the great wall of china.


I have gone through a similar situation yesterday, where arguing, and the use of direct language was frowned upon.
Unfortunately, two elements are at play:
A) the argument
B) the language

if you convey the argument with acceptable language, nobody cares and you are within the TOS
if you convey the same argument with direct or borderline offensive terms, even if you include yourself in the offense by saying "we" and "us" - you are more likely to pierce the red mist of your listeners - but a Moderator might have to step in, in order to make the TOS respected.

You either keep going(consequences...), or stop(sadness, potential inner tourmoil)

I would say you are only insane if you try it again and again, using the same method in the same circumstances ... and hoping for a different outcome.
Since you appear to not have such intentions, nor expectations, i can say no you are at this time not insane.
Fact that you are selfreflecting on the subject is proof.


I find it very helpful to have this forum on the SAS that lets us... that lets me share my observations of what happens with BoS.
Like an Eagle's nest , from where to look down onto the battleground below.
I find that my relation to BoS the game changes, as my my relation to the BoS players changes.

It is like two needles of two gauges that move up and down one representing my love/hate for the game, and the other one representing my love/hate for the Crowd

The crowd on the forums are at the same time the Pilots i encounter. Where on the forums, they are very verbose and communicative, some are quiet inflight and barely write bad chat messages "dis suxxx". I conclude that, once they make it past the bad pats of BoS, and are strapped in the cockpit, they are content with what they got.

The game itself presents itself in two places too: The forums where good and bad news are shared, and where i am constantly reminded that options are cut, no tools are at hand, and the future is unclear, and the cockpit, where i feel all right, and wish for nothing but "more of the same stuff, more more more"

This is almost new to me.

when i was making my transition from CFS3 to what was FB at the time, i lived through almost the same emotions.

today i left my dark blue world install and a SAS community who only and exclusively cares about The Game content,
(let's skip my WT intermezzo),
and have woken up to BoS, whose community is a Massive mess of Orks, and the Simulator has me mentally split in two between features and inflight awesomeness.

i have yet to find my place, and both gauges are still moving all over the fricking place as i try to keep them ligned up - a state that would signify stability.

-> and therefor, thank you SAS for letting me have a place to stay.
A place that doesnt care much for BoS, a place and a bunch of people i recognize.
An Eagles Nest from where i can observe the mess that the BoS crowd is right now, a place where i can stay sane.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #82 on: December 07, 2014, 12:37:23 AM »

If it would be up to me I'd remove this entire BoS forum section until they fix their game.
Latest news I heard is micropayments for unlocks. Makes me feel that I wasnt born with enough middle fingers :)


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #83 on: December 07, 2014, 02:29:06 AM »

"-> and therefor, thank you SAS for letting me have a place to stay.
A place that doesnt care much for BoS, a place and a bunch of people i recognize.
An Eagles Nest from where i can observe the mess that the BoS crowd is right now, a place where i can stay sane.":

I can echo that.

The folk here seem to be able to understand nuance, even with a multiplicity of different first languages. Nobody seems to be over-eager to take the hump over perceived insults.

Just some more context. My post was in response to this reply to 33Lima's mention of his review:

"As someone who has tried BOS. That review does not make me think "BoS is good", it tells me I should avoid Combat Ace reviews if I know what's good for me."

The moderator found no problem with this slur on the reviewer and the other site, but with me when I indirectly called him out on it.
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