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Author Topic: Game's on, People! The dark side.  (Read 73042 times)

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2014, 08:17:56 AM »

I find the communication and marketing of 777 questionnable at best.
For instance, on the 777 forum, the developpers made a poll on "unlocks" : 70% of the poeple were either against or wanted them to be "offline only" and the developpers answered : "You don't want hem but we keep them" and they wonder why so many negative reactions !

Edit : it is really a pity, because flying with my favourite customized settings is a wonderfull pleasure !
For instance : I love collision with trees, I love the unaccuracy of rockets and all those wonderfull details !

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2014, 09:34:10 AM »

agreed on that.
why it is the way it is is none of our business.
however, the fact that the complex options are there for quick combat, tells me that at some point these options will, or "should" be available for online and offline campaign.
like so many other things [complex engine startup; FMB, skins, ded.server...] i think this is something that was prepared, but not built-in properly.

i have a bit of faith and hope for the future, but  this topic is about the State of the game today, so Yes... communications is whacky, and quite a bit of the stuff we see is probably just completely unfinished and therefor creates frustration.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2014, 09:50:07 AM »

however, the fact that the complex options are there for quick combat, tells me that at some point these options will, or "should" be available for online and offline campaign.
like so many other things [complex engine startup; FMB, skins, ded.server...]
This is done in most other simulator for instance by inflicting a penalty on XP ...

Actually, there was a lot of problems which were clearly due to beta state, so we did not worry too much : now it is "released", people fell they have tue right to complain, and are somewhat afraid that those things will not be corrected.

But as far as I am concerned, I am patient : I estimate I still have 40 hours of play before being "fedup", so I hope that things will improve and renew my interest before this "40 hours limit".

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2014, 10:27:10 AM »

I feel the same way - before, there was a Percentage shown to show progress compared to 100%.
However, this subject is impossible to get right over the span of what...30 months?
so i imagine the counter standing at 100,3% at the moment.
The whining and massive negativity will not stop till version 2.99999.
so "screw them" :P

I have 3 more negative points:
A) the IL-2's fuel gauge can not be trusted. sometimes 66% full, even if i specify "full tank" befoe i fly.
then i play with the mixture and revv the AM Angine, anf the gauge pops back to Full - even after 40 minutes of flight.
Y u no work!

B) I bit the bullet and started to fly as a German.
No markings. not even AA+AA or AA+ZZ.
i know the markings system in the Lolwaffle was complex.
but blank space?
Sad me.

C) one easy way to distinguish between F and G is the triangular window.
someone screwed up, and someone else didn't catch the screw-up.
NISCHT COOL! ACH! Alles kaputt!
(just mimicking the average entitled WWII expert nitpicker moronic idiot)

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2014, 12:52:34 PM »

News from the front!

lessons learned:
the online necessity is
a) to create the missions you wanna play even in SP
b) stats database

and since they FUCKED UP this weekend, you can log in, sure, but even if you work on your unlocks to get more loadouts n stuff, at the moment your gained XP aint gonna get processed.
So you can fly and win all you want, you get noffing in return.

so you either play MP with your planes as they are... which is.... ehrmmm
"nischt gut"

or you play single player waste of time which is....
"nischt gut"

or you play "quick mission builder" which is

and no skinning tool or FMB available either to test stuff, paint or build campaigns.
except MP, we are basically thrown back 3 months or so.

This online only stuff for single player is ... "questionable".
yes. that's the word.

These retards... :D

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2014, 12:59:37 AM »

XP counting is rolling again.
back to the grinding thing!
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2014, 12:40:37 PM »

do not know if i find this GOOD news or BAD news.
but since people are more happy to rant than to give praise, i shall label this one as BAD news.

For now, Freetrack users are not able to use Freetrack in BoS.
something changed and in order to get all the official trackIR stanps and logos, The devs needed to implement a proper BoS tracking profile for TrackIR.

and that somehow means that the TrackIR files that the Freetrack users used are no more good enough.
so all the People that used TrackIR software for their freetrack get the shaft for the time being.

an alternative route via Opentrack exists it appears.

But i guess the main reason i put this in the negative category is that a lot of hate will get dumped on the BoS team for doing their job properly to make TrackIR software and hardware function properly.

so maybe i should put a title to this post and say "Community fail"
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2014, 12:58:06 PM »

The phrase you can't please them all has failed, this community are more "there are no way in hell we will be pleased"
To be honest, I have lost the little grain I had of respect for flights community in this BOS endeavor . The only thing giving me hope is our little IL 2 community. But in a way it also play a part in this farce :-[
It is not like we have a choice in this genre, it is maybe like the devs know it and just push on and see how far they can go. I find their decisions weird

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2014, 01:11:09 PM »

they too had no major choice. software hardware business.

just fly, man. and hit the HUD button to get rid of the chat interface.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2014, 02:09:30 PM »

so maybe i should put a title to this post and say "Community fail"

After reading some comments on the Russian forum (translated by mr. Google himself) "Community fail" is the appropiate phrase I'm afraid.
Update got locked over there. It exploded on the TrackIR/Freetrack/TrackNoIr/Open Track issue.
Loft went completely berzerk on behaviour of Russian flightsim community (or on flightsim community in general perhaps):

(post #931 on page 24 and #975 on page 25)

And apologized for his own behaviour in post #1089 on page 28.

"The Best Things In Live Aren't Things"

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2014, 03:22:30 PM »

yea i red something about "we deserve oblivion type developpers" and "we do not deserve what the BoS team does", also courtesy of google translate.

These entitled arsehole type users can not display a single ounce of faith, patience and common sense, stuff i have learned over a decade of 1946. Flying is not their intent. stirring shit is.

Being an asshole myself at times, "i aint even mad, this is amazing" about what the user base does.
it truly IS staggering.
They do not get over the unlocks, or the missing FMB or ded server or anything.
Some of them spend more time spewing hate than actual gaming.

The fuckup of TiR, and the subsequent high-pressure fixes and adaptations for tiR3 are good, but also serve as a gauge of the state the devs are in - desperate to bring happy news because there are users who are Fucktards, only too eager to drag the simulator into the same old unlock/presets/no graphics options shit time and again.

The result is a vicious cycle of assholes doing their asshole thing and moderators doing their moderator thing.
Then the assholes stop dumping on the program, and start dumping on the moderators who then apply the official Stalin policy of "we do not discuss moderation issues publicly and will remove all posts and threads thereof"
Upon which the Assholes start entire threads about Moderators taking away freedom of speech, and so forth.

Some of these players deserve to have their licence taken away with no refund. and permaban from the entire IL-2 series and assorted fora.

i have never seen the like before - not even in euro-us discussions and verbal dogfights over the irak invasion a decade ago.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2014, 02:50:20 AM »

There are a bunch of unpleasant founders around at the BOS forum indeed, and it would do no harm to anyone when they get permabanned.
Always trying how far they can go, getting personal to other founders/members, dropping in their CLOD agenda in every føcking topic (while there is a dedicated board for those spoilt babies to show their broken game stuff), getting p!ssed when a moderator warns them nót to show their totally irrelevant CLOD screenshots again but keep on doing to test out moderators.
After getting warned again, deleted post or banned for a couple of weeks or topics get (temporarily) locked they act surprised and start crying about attitude of moderators, freedom of speech etc.
If you are a founder and don't like how things pan out, after you have criticized development on the boards several times, isn't it about time to stop posting your frustration again and again and again? And get back to real life? Spending time with your family, do the garden or so. And come back after a couple of weeks to see what might have changed for the better?
But no they prefer to continue in ranting, resulting in more than 2000 or 3000 posts with that BS.
And they are not newbies like adolescents with braces and pimples but longtime members in the combat flightsim community.

Let's hope that after release fresh blood will flood the forum to change the allover atmosphere.
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