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Author Topic: Game's on, People! The dark side.  (Read 73072 times)

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #204 on: December 26, 2014, 09:30:18 AM »

well, i'm done with the ridiculous struggle of trying to get Steam to even acknowledge my existence, and when i buy something, it's because i would actually like to use it.
fuck steam. fuck developers and anyone who have anything to do with the whole retarded steam system.
yes, that means 1C/777 and whoever all decided steam was a good idea, as well.
i hope my money helped to keep them in food for the holiday season.
sell me a product i can't use, because i need Steam, which is inherently deficient?
they can keep their precious flight sim.
i'll sell my BoS disc to someone locally for half-price, so at least they won't make any more sales off another poor sucker.
damn them all to hell. and beyond.
have a good day. :D
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #205 on: December 26, 2014, 10:19:25 AM »

I don't get it.
Steam has a support section where you can open a ticket:

Since this is unrelated to your Steam Account (the support account is different from your normal Steam one), this option is always available.
Throughout the year normally the reaction time is within 6 or 7 working days, now at years end it will easily be 2 times or more of that.
I don't see that you've waited for that long yet.
I don't even see that you've created a ticket at all.

If you don't need your old Steam Account and creating a new one fails with the email address you've used, why not just create a third account with a different email address if contacting the support is no option to you?

Nowadays game developers have a hard time getting money back from their efforts, with so many a**holes around pirating everything they can get hands on.
That's why Steam is in business and it's why they're not evil.
If there weren't companies like Steam with this admittedly somewhat user-unfriendly registration mechanism, then companies like 1C, 777 etc. could have sent home all their employees already.

Don't blame it all on Steam, don't ask what they can do for you, do your homework first.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #206 on: December 26, 2014, 10:56:25 AM »

Why did you not just buy it from 777 directly? It has never ever been a problem with my install


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #207 on: December 26, 2014, 11:49:09 AM »

fuck steam. fuck developers and anyone who have anything to do with the whole retarded steam system.


This is why I purchased BoS direct.  I had to register one game through Steam (IL-2 Cliffs of Dover, although I bought it on Amazon) and I will NEVER purchase another game that requires Steam registration again, let alone purchase something from Steam.  Even if Oleg Maddox came back and made the true next generation IL-2, if it were only available on Steam I would pass.

My latest Steam hate story... I moved and my move required a new ISP company at my new home in a different town.  A new ISP meant my email address had to change (when I cancelled my old ISP service I lost access to my old email address).  So when I booted up CloD Steam detected my new IP address and cut me off.  They sent an email to my registered email address, which was still the old one.  So the Steam email bounced.  I had violated the most sacred Steam rule.  New IP address and new email address meant I had to prove to Steam all over again that I purchased CloD through Amazon.  Steam demanded color photographs of the CloD box to prove I owned it.  But I had purchased CloD as a digital download, so I have no commercial packaging...just my email receipt from Amazon.  This blew Steams mind.  After 4 weeks of "canned" responses I was finally escalated to a thinking person who was able to grant me new access rights to "MY" legally purchased game.

Steam can go to hell, and I hope they do.  With any form of game that requires you to go on-line to play it, you don't really own it, you are just renting it.  Think about what 777/1CGS has threatened to do with BoS...if they unplug their servers we have no game at all.  I'm an SP guy, so after I've payed for a game I am not going to ask for permission to play it, which is what you are doing with BoS every time you start up the SP campaign.  I will never purchase another game under this business model again.

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #208 on: December 26, 2014, 03:25:55 PM »

well, i just got a Reply from them concerning CloD, and i seem to have hit that stage - a person who is willing to trust me for 5 seconds is offering me a way out.

Technically, are we not renting all software? The windows license or the office package... It is , to me, very Visible when i need to upgrade  an anti virus:

A Customer has installed the antivirus in , say , 2006, with an 1 year license.
and every year he goes to his favorite awesome  IT dude, wanting the newest Antivirus from the same company.
IT dude goes to the shop , online or retail, and grabs a license for another year or two. Uses the License to Extend the lifespan of the antivirus software.
rinse and repeat.
And so in 2014 the Customer launches his antivirus... that has not been uninstalled since 2006, and whose GUI has not changed ever since - only extended its lifespan with the magic words that prove he has the right to.

For the righteous customer, who does not want to be bothered, the good days are over.

IT makes this world change Fast on the Subject of "trust" and "freedom".
And it is actually one of the Reasons i keep my FB CD's around when many other things have already gone - Dogs, Girlfriends, Bikes, People, Jobs...

FB is an unique (ridiculous and idiotic?) sign of buying something and being able to use it - no questions asked. One of the few Licenses that gave me so much more.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #209 on: December 26, 2014, 09:11:05 PM »

i've tried the support ticket option, but when i get to fill that in, it again declares that my login info is incorrect, the email addy is not valid - even though i am actually currently logged in on steam forum under my new user name, which was created via this very addy?
holy shit, man, that defies logic.
anyway, what it boils down to is that i am unable to log any support, unable to contact them in any way - so i am basically fucked.
a new email addy? really? just for this bunch of clowns, i must create a new email addy that i would otherwise not use?  also doesn't seem all that logical to me......
Steam is kind enough to do a huge free update for me, but when i want to install my game, i don;t really exist? ..... that's just mind-bogglingly fucked, and i want nothing to do with it.
i am not surprised piracy is moving on in leaps and bounds, if this is how legitimate users are treated.
so if i have to wait a year or two for some friendly neighbourhood pirate to come along and help me to play, then that's what i'll do.
i mean, i have fired off multiple emails any kind of Steam support, but my guess is its all automated reply bullshit, as not a peep from them since the 19th.
you know what, at the moment everything is going quite nicely for me, and i have little to complain about, lots to be happy about.
i'm just not going to let this ruin my day, but just gonna get on with enjoying all the good things. :D
these rants are never much fun to read through, anyway - some guys can do it well with a bit of humor, but when i am really pissed at something, i tend to be rather venomous, and not so much humor, lol.
so, nuff said for now - today i'm putting together a map guide in pdf, with easily paid for and installed software, all working straight off the bat, no worries. :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #210 on: December 26, 2014, 09:14:47 PM »

dude, we need to figure this stuff out.
i understand you are at the moment Pissed off, and energy is , like... Sub Zero Cool...
But understand that i want you flying.

so when you have an ounce of power you wanna spend on this... hit me up.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #211 on: December 27, 2014, 12:28:00 AM »

A new ISP meant my email address had to change (when I cancelled my old ISP service I lost access to my old email address).
That's a common issue not related to Steam at all.
You'll run into the very same trouble with lots of other online services as well, that's why there are companies offering payed email accounts in this world. Accounts which aren't related to your ISP in any way, which will not just expire randomly etc.
Not wanting to be the smartass (I am anyway...), just a heads up. Don't use your ISP email account for vital online activities.

a new email addy? really?
Get over it.
If your old email addy doesn't do, you'll need a new one.
I've setup a fresh unique and not expiring one for you, check your PM.

fuck steam. fuck developers and anyone who have anything to do with the whole retarded steam system.
I'm a Steam customer, so I have something to do with that "retarded steam system". Fuck me.

See, I'm not saying that Steam is all good. It's tedious sometimes and for sure it's not user friendly, but that's what you get when software piracy is all around. Have you ever faced the situation where a Microsoft Volume License key has been declared invalid? That's no fun either. But that's what you get nowadays where nothing's "safe" anymore.
See our IL-2 DVD edition for comparison. It takes you 10 seconds to get 100 I-Net sources where you can grab a full copy from.
If BoS would be distributed that way, 777 Studios wouldn't exist anymore.

BoS... BTT: The dark side.
What puzzles me the most as a new user is the totally absent manual (together with few user made guides, where half of them are offline already, of course the important ones).
Second most annoying point is the "unlock" game mechanism. I bought a game but have to "work" a hundred hours before I can fully play it.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #212 on: December 27, 2014, 01:12:13 AM »

Got me baffled as well, and is something i stubbornly expect from them, even though by this time, i suspect very little "new" to come from it, but is a good offline reference if you do not want to dig the forums.

 welcome to "the grind" which without manual you will do blind...
"the blind grind" - in a double sense, since the grind is done in almost whiteout conditions :D

and thanks again for your intervention yesterday.
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #213 on: December 27, 2014, 01:33:33 AM »

it was very against the whole season spirit of me to rant off like that yesterday, for which i now apologise, and will try to get on with sorting out the issue, and just getting it done without kicking up a stink, lol. a bit more zen to be practised for me :D
enjoy BoS meanwhile, i'll see you guys in the skies soon enough.  8)
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #214 on: December 27, 2014, 03:44:45 AM »

Infact Steam insist me to verify my e-mail, I have no idea why after all these years. When I do I get no email from them with a link to verify my email . So that one is in a eternal loop. But it have no practical meaning, since I canny and install the games I want.


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #215 on: December 27, 2014, 07:43:09 AM »

There was a guy who made some pretty in-depth manuals for each plane in a .pdf format. I can't find them on the forum anymore though.
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