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Author Topic: Game's on, People! The dark side.  (Read 73064 times)

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Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #240 on: January 01, 2015, 11:03:52 AM »

Yea,  the images seem to convey a feeling that the clouds are ... a layer - you either see the lower part or the top part, but are never inside them.

all i got in my head when i saw this was "settings - settings - settings" but what exactly - ?
you are better at managing your cards than i am, so... no clue.

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #241 on: January 04, 2015, 02:39:55 AM »

Another graphics glitch, reported by me here:
With clouds around and sun in your back, surface edges and thin lines (radio wire) appear jagged aliased and surrounded by white lines in external (F2) view.

Click for full size images:

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #242 on: January 04, 2015, 02:49:16 AM »

...and replying to myself, but with a different thing in mind:
Can't keep myself from stating how much this freakin' unlock thing annoys me.
Some people say it takes you about 10 (successful) mission per plane to unlock all it's features.
It's more.
I've flown much more than 10 successful missions with the Lagg-3 and still have lots of paintschemes and one weapon option left to unlock.
Make it 20.
20 successful missions of 30-60 minutes per plane.
10 planes.
Success rate starts low, in the end you might reach 80% but not much more since you also suffer from "random" flak kills.
And no, the unlocks aren't necessary for the campaign only, no! They are necessary for quick missions and multiplayer gameplay as well.

Gentlemen, that's nearly 200 hours gameplay until I get all the stuff I've payed for.
WTF? Seriously? Yes.

The developers themselves suggest that you should let the missions run on autopilot and grab yourself a coffee in the meantime.
WTF? Seriously? Yes.

However not only is this advice not really doing the trick:
Some plane types like Pe-2 and Ju-87 like to randomly crash into ground on AI and in general AI often times cannot complete the "full" missions for it's incapable of taxiing with these virtually-impossible-to-taxi planes like Fw 190.
No, it also is absolutely rediculous: I'm expected to leave my PC running for two weeks, just "crunching" BoS missions, wasting energy, leaving it unusable in the meantime?
Just to eventually get what I payed for a month ago?
WTF? Seriously? Yes.
The BoS price should come with a warning sticker: It takes you $60 to buy it and another $60 for your electricity bill before you can play it.

Bottom line is that BoS is pretty close to being thrown back to shelf for me until the devs come back to reason.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #243 on: January 04, 2015, 03:07:03 AM »

Mike, you have no idea how much I agree with all you wrote ...!  ;)

I won't buy it until that childish time consuming "unlocks" is still mandatory ...  >:(


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #244 on: January 04, 2015, 03:07:57 AM »

Bottom line is that BoS is pretty close to being thrown back to shelf for me until the devs come back to reason.

Like the most of us...

This game is a... well, you know, no rants...


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #245 on: January 04, 2015, 04:51:13 AM »

Mike I agree the unlock idea is a very unpopular one, and badly implemented, so do yourself a favour and grab the Chir front missions and download a nice G2 skin and enjoy a really great mini campaign that needs no unlocks to play  :)

By the way that "devs tell you to play on autopilot and drink coffee" was actually a translated post from dev on Russian forum who said he used autopilot and X2 while testing when he was very busy, taken out of context and posted on forums as a negative until it is now a 'catch phrase'  8)

Cheers Dakpilot

Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #246 on: January 04, 2015, 05:41:17 AM »

quite a bit of info in there, so no rants.
well not only.

while i agree with your perception i can offer to focus on one side, one style.

i mean i also paid for a bunch of planes in 46 that i never flew.
so do not waste money and or time on planes you know you will not use, fly, abuse, master...

only helpful advice ix can offer.
orm let the sim run in the background on autopilot... :p
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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #247 on: January 04, 2015, 06:14:03 AM »

Here's my $0.02 about the unlock system:

Why don't the devs add a new option in the next patch where you can decide if you want to have the unlock system or not?
That would stop all the endless discussions about it! All those wo hate this system get rid of it, and all those who like it can keep it.
I can't see any negative in that suggestion... Both sides would be pleased, all the anger would be gone...
(If I didn't see anything, tell me, otherwise i keep on laughing about the devs making their lifes harder for ... nothing :P)

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #248 on: January 04, 2015, 06:19:12 AM »

Too me the skins are worthless, the planes are seen if they are green or white as shadows when far way. I fly attack aircraft and they are dead meat once they are spotted.
I have unlocked PE-3 . LAGG, IL2, JU-87. The rest I give a shit


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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #249 on: January 04, 2015, 06:23:38 AM »

I'm sorry Tiffy but that "one side, one style" approach is not particularly helpful.
First off, you cannot simply focus on one side, on style.
IIRC I've had no choice when starting the campaign than to fly red side first.
Not that it bothers me, but what about someone who'd like to fly german planes? He'll have to go through the soviet campaign first too.
However I might stand corrected here. At least now that I started the soviet campaign, I cannot abort it and go on with the german one...

One style:
I'm not that kind of fighter jockey, I'm a mud mover.
Problem is when I started the soviet campaign, I tried a couple of planes and found this:

Pe-2 is nice for level bombing, but BoS isn't. Bombing mission task is usually to approach at 5-6km and level-bomb something.
"Something" is the issue here: Am I blind or am I the only one who simply cannot identify the target from 5km altitude in BoS?
I couldn't find any possibility to zoom the view in bombsight mode yet and all I see in there from 5km is black ants on snow.
So I end up with the Pe-2 going low and drop bombs like a fighter-bomber. Works, but this is not what it's intended to be.

The IL-2 would be nice and it acts great as a mud mover, problem is: Whenever I choose "ground attack" missions with IL-2, I get a flight of IL-2s and an "escort" of Yaks behind us, but not belonging to our flight. They refuse to accept commands and simply intercept the very first german planes they encounter on the flight path.
This leaves me and my IL-2 flight unescorted when we approach the target area. I usually manage to complete the mission task, but only to be shot like turkeys by the german fighters patroling the target area afterwards.
So since BoS fails to provide escorts for the Sturmovik, I fail to successfully use it in the campaign.

La-5 would be a nice fighter-bomber, but regardless possible loadout options (including bombs) I only get intercept or escort missions offered for the La-5.
Yak-1 is the same: Could be a nice FB, but only fighter missions offered.

Leaves me with the Lagg-3, the only plane available which gets ground attack missions offered and with limited capabilities to act as a fighter.
No particular problem here, but it's boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring like hell.
As I wrote elsewhere, the Lagg-3 damage model is absolutely porked. The player plane is made of glass, your AI fellows fly the concrete edition.
The bombs seem to be equipped with a small invisible nuclear device, while the ruskies apparently forgot to put any explosives in the rockets at all.
You will usually easily be able to complete the ground attack mission task and you even get enemy 109 G-2 planes with it, the latter only because AI is so damn stupid.
But keep yourself from attacking anything with gunners, they kill you glass engine even when using just their duty pistol.

One side, one style?
Lucky me my side of choice is russian, I would have been in trouble otherwise from the very beginning.
Since I'm not a fighter jockey and since BoS can't deal with escorts nor provides a useful bombsight yet, I'm forced to fly the Lagg which otherwise would have been the least choice I would have made.

Best regards - Mike
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Typhoon Ib

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #250 on: January 04, 2015, 06:39:09 AM »

I can see all hell break loose with that -

those that bought the game for a dozen of dollars   ;Dbut with the counterweight of needing the grind  >:(for both planes and guns

- would suddenly be able to remove the grind. :D

12$ for all the standard planes when the "no unlocks" option is chosen , that beats even the lowest of steam sales. :)
Future users would want only the Russian license. I mean, who would not?
Recent customers would want their money and wasted time and wasted electricity back.

It is a, simple, practical, Solution, and would work for me too, (money's gone anyway) But would others, and future titles suffer in one way or another? Even perceived suffering? Irrational madness?

I think they have messed up, from the customer's perspective - and will have a hard time figuring out a smart way to reverse out of this.
From my personal perspective i want them to twist and turn, to really make an effort.
Dropping the unlocks... i doubt things are as simple as that to them. I sure hope so.

I would get the 190, stuka and he111 unlocks without grind.
would work for me, cool. ;D

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Re: Game's on, People! The dark side.
« Reply #251 on: January 04, 2015, 06:41:11 AM »

just go and have a look at my user stats, to indicate just how much this unlock, online only campaign grabs me, lol.
flying as malone46, i have yet to make my online debut. :D
so far i have played offline only, and it seems you can't unlock squat this way.
i don't think this is a rant, just telling it the way i see it, i hope. it's a sucky system, and beats me why they insist on going this route.
also, i'm rather horrified to read of things like AI having different DM/whatever from the human pilot plane.
really? was that not one of IL-2's main failures, the way the human pilot has different values attached to his/her plane than the rest...?
holy crap, i would've thought that kind of silliness would have been smeared into the dirt, but no, seems it's alive and well...
'rapidly losing interest...'
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)
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