The problem comes from the dual use of hooks for bomb and torpedo on the TBD fuselage - though these are positioned according to different rules in Il2. The solution to this catch 22 situation is to add a specific torpedo hook on the CF_D0 and keep the current hook for bombs - but this demands also to correct the weapons array in the java class of the aircraft in question.
All the core Il2 bombs have a pivot at (0,0,0) BUT they are positioned so as, when they are aligned along their longitudinal x axis, with their pivot at (0,0,0), the upper border or their body is tangent to a line aligned along the lateral y axis, positioned at z = 0.1585.
This is true for all bombs and clusters - except the bomblets released by clusters which are centered on (0,0,0), no matter their volume.
Rockets are similarly centered on (0,0,0) no matter their volume, and also torpedoes (which is rather stupid but the whole issue of torpedoes in Il2 is rather crude).
There are only 2 cases of exceptions to these rules: some Italian bombs - the bombs called BombITxxxkg and the 2 new Russian Heavy bombs introduced with the Pe8 (FAB-2000 and FAB-5000)