As always , IKolincak has "officialy" kicked off the month. Thanx bud!
I want to extend a request: We have taken out a mediafire account for direct downloading, to be able to host UP3, FBDSM, DBW, and the new large modact family, all of these are very big files, much too large to host on our already over stressed regular servers.
To give you an idea, a small forum, like some other smaller il2 forums , may on their busiest months use as much as 60GB of tranfer bandwidth.
The SAS Forum uses as much as 120GB on a regular month for the forum alone. The servers hosting much of our smaller downloads regularily clock up up to 200-300GB a month each! Hosting the large stuff now, is eating up about 1 Terrabyte every 20 days or so

. I dont think this situation will carry on indefinitely, at some stage most players will have downloading the big packs and things will settle.
But untill then, my expenses a month easily outstrip the usual monthly target. So if you are one of the guys who have benifitted from our mediafire direct download account, please consider shooting us a few dollars.