I would be very happy to donate some doubloons to the cause, but as I'm in foggy ol' Angleland can I donate in ££'s (I think the currency might still have some validity in the world!!)..As always, many thanks to you guys who maintain, enhance and make SAS the best combat flight sim out there.
I will tell you a secret: Whether you donate through the "euro" or through the "dollar" button, the donation gets calculated from your end in whatever currency your country and bank account is in, and reflected to us, and reported on the first post, in US dollars. All credit card transactions work like that, regardless of the user's views on politics.
We did the separate "Donate in Euro" button mostly as an exercise in the versatility of the platform, than an actual financial necessity. We could fill an entire page with a button for each type of currency in use in the world, but in the end they are all 100% placebic and psychological.
Much the same way all currencies are if you think about it.
So in the end, just know what your currency's current exchange rate is, then pick a button and go for it
![Cheers ]cheers[](https://www.sas1946.com/main/Smileys/akyhne/occasion14.gif)
On the other hand, if you can only do it in good old cash (which is still valid everywhere in the world), and it is more than, say, 500 of Queen Elizabeth II's Pounds, PM me your physical address and we will send someone over to pick it up