Hello, can anybody make a Sukhoi SU-15?

Su-15 T-58 Su-15UTU-58T Su-15TM T-58TM Su-15UM U-58TM
Length (w/o PST), m 20.54 20.99 19.56 19.56
Wingspan, m 8.616 8.616 9.34 9.34
Wing area, m 2 34.56 34.56 36.6 36.6
Height, parked, m 5.0 5.0 4.843 4.843
Engine type R11F2S-300 R11F2S-300 R13-300 R13-300
No x thrust, kg 2 x 6,175 2 x 6,175 2 x 6,600 2 x 6,600
Fuel, int., kg 5,6 5,01 5,55 5,55
Weight, at takeoff, norm., kg 16,52 16,69 17,2 17,2
Weight, at takeoff, max, kg 17,094 17,2 17,9 17,9
Speed, maximum, kph 2,23 1,85 2,23 1,85
Ceiling, operational, m 18,5 16,7 18,1 17,5
Ferry range, km 1,55 1,29 1,7 1,7
Takeoff run, m 1,2 1,2 1,050-1,100 1,16
Landing run w/IRSTS, m 1,050-1,200 1,050-1,200 950-1,100 1,12
Armaments: 2xR-98R/T (2xR-60) (2xUPK23-250) 2xR-98MR/MT 2xR-60 2xUPK23-250 2xR-98MR/MT 2xR-60 2xUPK23-250
http://www.sukhoi.org/eng/planes/museum/su15/lth/The Sukhoi Su-15 (NATO reporting name 'Flagon') was a twin-engined supersonic interceptor developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s to replace the Sukhoi Su-11 and Sukhoi Su-9, which were becoming obsolete as NATO introduced newer and more capable strategic bombers. The Su-15 was a major part of the Soviet interceptor force until the fall of the Soviet Union.
The aircraft is best known for having been involved in the downing of Korean Air Flight 007.