This week has been about animation and a few changes to the mod tool.
The idea is I can start using the mod tool to check animations, both for IL2 and my flight sim.
As a test I added animations for ship's turrets and guns. So you can click on a mesh node, add a turret animation, tweak the values, add a gun animation, tweak the values, and see the result real time.
This allows you to fine tune animations. Making sure you don't end up with gun barrels going into geometry.
To check how easy this was to use, I did every gun on the Tirpitz and timed myself. 8 minutes 22 seconds. No bad.
I also added a mouse sensitivity setting for the HIM viewer, and the option to focus the camera on a particular mesh part as requested.
This is all part of my Entity Component System research for the flight sim.
The idea is I create a tool that let's anyone add objects to my sim. No java coding required.
To illustrate how it will work, let's consider an AA gun.
Boot up the tool and create a new file.
Drag a "GameObjectResource" from the menu and drop it into the main view.
The game object resource is the thing that holds all the information about the object. It requires a single field of bespoke information which will be displayed in an input window on the right.
That is the name of the object. Fill that in and the object exists, though at the moment it is invisible and does nothing.
Drag an "AvailabilityResource" from the menu into the main window, connect it to the GameObjectResource.
This one has a bunch of field to fill in. Nation, start and end date, etc.
Drag a "HIMMeshResource" into the main view and connect it.
Point this resource at the HIM file. We now have something to display, but where do we display it?
Drag a "GameObjectTransformResource" into the tool and connect it to both the GameObjectResource and the HIMResource.
This places the object in the world and will be the thing modified by the map editor.
Drag a "AAGunAnimatorResource" into the world and connect it to the GameObjectResource.
Now we know it is an AA gun. We can now add the values you tested in the mod tool into this resource so we know how to animate it.
Drag a "AAGunResource" into the world and connect it to the GameObjectResource
This sets the caliber of the gun.
Drag a "DamageReceiverResource" to the world and connect it up.
This let's you setup how much damage it can take and so on.
That's it.
You have now created a fully functioning, animated AA gun object which will be added to the game the next time you run it.
Sound easy?