I have mate, I have.
If I can give real specific questions, then people really do help, and I am very grateful.
However I need a large amount of well structured data, and it's the structure that's key.
For example I asked about air force strengths at the start of the battle of Britain and I got a load of really good web links, but they are web links.
To get them into a game, they need a lot of work. I need to extract the hard data from the HTML and get it into code.
And because I need the data to be as small as it can be in the game, that means a lot of background work.
Say I know that the Luftwaffe had a squadron of Me109b's and was based at Cannes. I know the number of serviceable aircraft and the number of available pilots.
What I need to do for the game is....
- Create a record of the airfield.
- Create a record of the squadron
- Create a record of the aircraft
Each of those will have a whole load of data attached to it.
Airfield- Location
- Runway map
- Start operating date
- End operating date
- Defences
Squadron- Name
- Start date
- End date
- List of commanding officers
And so on.
Then I can create a record for the deployment.
Which will be something like this.
struct Deployment
uint Airfield;
uint Start;
uint End;
uint Aircraft;
uint Servicable;
uint Damaged;
uint Pilots;
uint Injured;
Then, and only then, does the data become really useful.
Now if any of you are willing to help create something like this, man would I be happy.