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Author Topic: uneven shading  (Read 11418 times)

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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2015, 11:28:39 AM »

This thread is not dead ...... yet

@Stainless, thanks. I should have replied earlier, but I tried "tfShouldSort" flag from 0 to 1 which, other than giving no shadows, gave no other effect. I also tried "tfnowritez" from 0 to, 1 for fun, which gave semi transparent effects. I guess I reluctantly will have to set up a PC with Windows and DirectX and IL-2 to really test out the problem. However, I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this uneven rendering problem by other means.

I have found that it is essentially the effects of lighting on the faces of a mesh: if the mesh face is large - like the flightdeck of a carrier - the boundaries are easier to see. It is also directional - so it is the rendering and not a defect in the mesh model.

Using my CVA-31 development model as an example, the flight deck is composed of three major parts. If the sun is lighting the deck longitudinally then the the two boundaries can be easily seen between the three deck parts because of the separate gradations in the shading of the three parts. If the sun is lighting the deck from the side then the three parts are seen as a whole - except that three sides nearest the sun are uniformly lighter than the three sides away from the sun. In other words, the lighting (or shading) is exaggerated.

One idea was to change the HD Mod DLLs (carsmaster + storebror) to 'lite' = no effect.

I've also tried changes of the usual suspects in the conf.ini file: texqual, texflags.usealpha, texflags.disableapiexts, arbmultitexturext, usepalettextension, hardware shaders, diffuse light, shadows, videosetupid, visibility distance, texlarge, effects, forceshaders1x = not the effects I wanted.

Hmmm ....


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2015, 03:53:43 PM »

The main suspect now seems to be the .mat file. I found a thread about 'sunglasses' in IL2 and used variants of one of the .mat files. There were two or three significant effects - one of them exaggerated the uneven shading. So, various settings in .mat [Layer0] were tried with little success. These included: tfshouldsort, tftesta, tftestz, tfnowritez, tfmipmap, tfblend, tfcompressmajoralpha, tfnocompress16bit. tfnocompressarb, tfupdateclear.  This led on to the .mat [LightParams] settings and it was found that if the diffuse setting is reduced, ambient turned up slightly and no shine nor specular, then the defect is reduced quite a lot. Maybe it's a combination of two parameters - which would take too long a time to investigate.

The defective or uneven shading or rendering is still there but it is not so obvious. I'll keep looking for inspiration, or maybe someone will come across this thread and know about the problem.


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2015, 02:11:33 PM »

Tried Diffuse and Ambient on Colossus class ship. Stock values are 1.0 for both. The only way the uneven shading is removed is when Diffuse is set to 0, but then the ship look as if there is no lighting at all...



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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2015, 02:41:34 AM »

Then to me, I'm back to the lighting calculation.

You can see a clear line where the three sections of the hull join.

The stern look to me like the light is towards the front of the ship, the middle section looks like the light is towards the camera, the bow is just screwed. Maybe forward and up 45 degrees.

If you are 100% sure the normals are correct, then I would try two things.

1) render a screen shot with a pure white texture and ambient and specular set to 0, so all you are seeing is the diffuse lighting.

2) look at the attaching matrix for each part of the ship. See if you have anything other than a translation in it.

The reason I ask about the attaching matrix is the way lighting works.

You have a normal attached to a vert, this starts out in the same coordinate system as the mesh.
In the game this is transformed by the world matrix.
For HIM meshes this is the accumulated attaching matrix.
The angle is then calculated between the light source and the transformed normal, and this is used to work out the diffuse lighting term.

So in your 3D editor the normals may look perfect, but in the conversion process something gets screwed.

I know the normals on a lot of stock Il2 meshes are wrong, but since they work in game, something is screwed up in the IL2 renderer.

Without source code I cannot figure out what the bug is, I can only give you things to try out to gather evidence.

If I can figure out what IL2 is doing wrong, I can make suggestions on ways to do bad things to your mesh that make it look good.


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2015, 12:34:14 PM »

.tga white texture maps; .mat files amb=0 spec=0 diff=1

@stainless - there's something obviously wrong: the forward hull is white and the centre hull is black; the liferafts have uneven local lighting and the uneven lighting on the deck exposes all the mesh faces.

A quick check of hull1 and hull2 .msh files shows no obvious differences. As you know, the structure of the .msh file is -
Code: [Select]
NumBones 0
FramesType Single
NumFrames 1

3253 2249
0 0 3253 0 2249










and so on

The only area I can see where things go wrong is .msh [FaceGroups]. They all seem OK to me in hull1 and hull2 for example (total number of vertices and faces adding up correctly).

So stainless, can you tell me what an 'attaching matrix' is then I can start an investigation?

Many Thanks


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2015, 02:15:26 AM »

The attaching matrix is defined in the HIM file, look at this example

Code: [Select]
VisibilitySphere 78.89842
CollisionObject sphere 85.89842 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mesh Hull1
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 0 1.2 0 -1.2 0 0 0 0 1 63.3034 0.0299933 2.29914
CollisionObject c1a
CollisionObject c2a
CollisionObject c3a
CollisionObject c4a
CollisionObject c5a
CollisionObject c6a
CollisionObject c7a
Mesh Hull1_dmg
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 0 1.2 0 -1.2 0 0 0 0 1 63.3034 0.0299933 2.29914
CollisionObject c1b
CollisionObject c2b
CollisionObject c3b
CollisionObject c4b
CollisionObject c5b
CollisionObject c6b
CollisionObject c7b
Mesh Hull2
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 0 1.2 0 -1.2 0 0 0 0 1 -4.22264 0.0300011 2.26734
CollisionObject c8a
CollisionObject c9a
CollisionObject c10a
CollisionObject c11a
CollisionObject c12a
CollisionObject c13a
CollisionObject c14a

The attaching line forms a 3 by 4 matrix

Code: [Select]
    0    1.2  0
-1.2    0     0
    0    0     1
   63.3034 0.0299933 2.29914

The last line is the translation, so this mesh is at x = 63.3034 , y = 0.0299933, z = 2.29914  relative to the root bone.

The rest is contains the rotation and scaling. An un-rotated, un-scaled mesh would have a matrix like this.

Code: [Select]
   1    0    0
   0    1    0
   0    0    1

A scaled mesh would have a matrix like this

Code: [Select]
   2    0    0
   0    2    0
   0    0    2

From this example you can see that if is rotated in the XY plane and scaled by a factor of 1.2 in the same plane . Basically the matrix represents the equation

Code: [Select]
  x = (x*0) + (y*1.2) +(z*0)
 y = (x*-1.2) + (y+8) + (z*0)
 z  = (x*0) + (y*0) + (z*1)

   x = 1.2 * y;
   y = -1.2 * x;
   z = z;

My theory is that either IL2 doesn't rotate the normals correctly, or it calculates it's own normals from the vertex data.

If it calculates it's own normals, then the vertex order is important. A triangle is defined by three points P1,P2,P3. The normal calculated from P1,P2,P3 is totally in the opposite direction from the normal calculated from P3,P2,P1.

This is called the "winding order" and is used a lot in graphics code.  You can even cull triangles based on winding order. Graphics engines have commands for it. https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Face_Culling

If that is the case you need to look for a tool that can manipulate your mesh for you, swapping the winding order and comparing the results with what you have now. Not trivial.

The second possibility is that IL2 does not rotate the normals contained in the mesh correctly. This is harder to prove. I would go through the mesh and replace every normal with a fixed value. Say 0,1,0

If Il2 does not rotate the normals, the lighting will be consistent across the entire mesh, if the lighting varies by mesh part, then the normals are being rotated.

Then it becomes more complex, it becomes guess work. We can definitely see that the normals are not being handled correctly, but what have they done?

I would have to write some code to test out a few ideas. My first guess would be to multiply all the normals by the inverse of the attaching matrix, but it's a guess.

Let me know what you are capable of doing and I'll see if I can help out with the rest.


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2015, 02:27:04 AM »

Just had a though, (yes it did hurt before you ask  ;D )

The easiest part of the ship to evaluate is the deck. Obviously it should be well lit as it is facing straight up. So change the first part of the attaching matrix to ...

Code: [Select]
  1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

This will remove all rotations from the mesh part. So the deck will be in the wrong place. However if I am correct, the top of the deck will be correctly lit.

If that is the case, then I can fix it. I can add a command to my mod tool which will pre-rotate all the normals by the attaching matrix.


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2015, 03:23:20 AM »

Hey, thanks stainless. I'll try changing the attaching matrix for the three decks soon (RL).

I've also had a thought (it took me all night): I wonder if the export from Blender is doing it? My previous carriers were created in Blender on my main Linux PC, exported to GMax on my secondary Windows PC, exported from GMax, grabbed by Yagg, then copied and pasted into the respective .msh files on my main machine. These carriers had no problems, so maybe BlendyBlendy exporter (all done on my Linux machine) may be the culprit. So, I'll also try exporting three decks from GMax in a couple of days and we'll see what happens.


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2015, 02:44:20 AM »

It looked good at first: three decks with rotations removed from the matrix and the deck in the wrong place - but I sailed the ship in another direction under the sun and the uneven shading was still there. It is a lighting defect and is more apparent when the source of light is in a particular direction. I'd also come on this option from a different direction by converting the data with exponentials into zeros (if they were tending to zero of course).

However - I think it's fixed - it's the .msh exporter. Three decks processed thro' GMax were perfect. The orientations were incorrect and I haven't yet worked out how to get the right Hier.him data using this process. (My usual method is by exporting via BlendyBlendy exporter which does Hier.him, shadows, LODs and the lot). Unfortunately it seems as tho'  BlendyBlendy is bugged.  I will now probably export the final version of my model using GMax, BuggyBuggy and Yagg. I will finalise the process by manually copying data into the .msh files - it's really quite tedious.

If you have any suggestions, stainless, I'd rather fix the defective exports from BlendyBlendy than go thro' the laborious process of transferring data and setting up my other PC, using GMax and BuggyBuggy and copying huge quantities of data into .msh files.

Many thanks.



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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2015, 05:39:02 AM »

Can you post some data for me to look at somewhere?

Mainly I would like to see the msh file for one that came from BlendyBlendy (who came up with that name ?  ???) and the same msh exported from BuggyBuggy (which is just as badly named  :\'( )

Maybe I can work out a fix from that



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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2015, 11:12:16 AM »

Hello again Stainless. I exported data of the relatively simple front flight deck directly from Blender under Linux, where I have spent the past nine months creating the carrier. First export was direct from a .blend file to a .msh file using BlendyBlendy exporter (which also exported LODs, shadows, collisions etc which I removed from the test file for simplicity). At the same time I also exported the front flight deck from the same .blend file to a .3ds file. Neither of these export operations had parameters, so there was nothing to change orientation or scales or whatever. The .3ds file was transferred to my Windows PC running GMax then exported from GMax using BuggyBuggy IL2 exporter, then the data was grabbed by Yagg and pasted as a .msh file.

The first two pages of the .msh files are given below. There are differences in LOD headings and materials names which may be ignored. There are, however, differences in the headers for the [FaceGroups] data - which will probably give you a clue.

Code: [Select]
//Created in Blender 2.49b, exported using BlendyBlendy bbexporter.py (The_WOZ)

NumBones 0
 FramesType Single
 NumFrames 1



485 272
0 0 485 0 272

-12.4747 77.7903 14.7534 -0.707083 0 -0.707083
-12.4747 77.7903 15.7705 -1 0 0
-12.4747 96.9581 15.7705 -0.999786 0.0183111 0.00714133
-12.4747 74.8329 14.7534 -0.707083 0 -0.707083
-12.4747 74.8329 15.7705 -1 0 0
-12.4747 62.3381 14.7534 -0.894406 0 -0.447188
-12.4747 62.3381 15.7705 -1 0 0
17.2757 77.8144 14.7534 0.707083 0 -0.707083
17.2757 77.8144 15.7705 1 0 0
17.2757 74.8329 15.7705 1 0 0
17.2757 74.8329 14.7534 0.707083 0 -0.707083
17.2757 62.3381 15.7705 1 0 0
17.2757 62.3381 14.7534 0.447188 0 -0.894406
17.2757 62.3381 16.5161 0.707083 0 0.707083
-12.4747 74.8329 16.5161 -0.707083 0 0.707083
-12.4747 96.9581 16.5161 -0.706992 0.00878933 0.707144
-3.5298 132.484 14.8691 0.816492 0.408246 -0.408246
-3.5298 132.484 15.2321 0.349345 0.734458 0.581774
-3.5298 126.852 16.5163 0.707236 0.157262 0.68923
11.7036 132.484 14.8691 -0.414686 0.90994 -0.00387585
13.7036 132.484 15.2321 0.380963 0.846675 0.371441
13.7036 132.484 14.8691 0.876766 0.48088 -0.00204474
-3.48481 128.286 14.9112 0 0.000824 0.999969
11.6779 128.259 14.9112 0 0.000854518 0.999969
11.6779 130.13 14.9096 0 0.000824 0.999969
-11.3542 130.197 14.7154 -0.0383312 0.113132 0.992828
-11.357 127.747 15.7705 -0.518906 0.539048 0.663411
-5.54986 130.149 14.7157 -0.00234993 0.406873 0.91348
17.3856 125.222 16.0307 0.467147 -0.00744652 0.884121
19.309 125.211 14.9894 0.219855 -0.00845363 0.975463
19.3864 127.045 14.9889 0.467147 -0.00744652 0.884121
11.7497 134.43 14.6799 0.0200201 0.138554 0.990143
9.97061 134.451 14.682 0.00228889 0.0934172 0.995605
9.9336 130.091 15.0913 -0.0853298 0.09888 0.991424
11.744 132.564 15.2645 0.000244148 0.299173 0.954161
13.7628 132.564 15.2645 0 0.299417 0.9541
13.7585 134.427 14.6798 -0.00369274 0.155919 0.987732
-3.49252 134.382 14.6725 -0.0343028 0.0673544 0.997131
-3.50791 130.21 14.9538 -0.0625019 0.0800195 0.994812
-1.61148 134.396 14.7363 -0.0625019 0.0800195 0.994812
-11.357 128.222 14.7534 -0.427229 0.830592 0.357158
17.4945 128.222 14.7534 0.897061 0.401837 0.183752
17.2757 96.9581 14.7534 0.707083 -0.001648 -0.707083
17.2757 74.8329 16.5161 0.707083 0 0.707083
17.2757 77.8144 16.5161 0.707083 0 0.707083
-12.4747 77.7903 16.5161 -0.707083 0 0.707083
17.2757 96.9581 16.5161 0.70809 -0.00338755 0.706076
17.4945 126.864 16.5161 0.333415 0.427808 0.840114
-11.357 126.864 16.5161 -0.567614 0.204199 0.79754
-3.50465 130.237 14.9096 0 0.000793481 0.999969
-5.62012 127.729 15.8291 -0.00796533 0.418134 0.908322
13.7224 130.128 14.6843 -0.00750755 0.123508 0.992309
13.7224 128.258 14.9171 0.0180364 0.0736106 0.997101
17.5149 130.181 14.7065 -0.0264595 0.290841 0.956389
11.6839 130.107 14.9554 0.076693 0.0622272 0.995086
-5.5298 132.484 15.2321 -0.365062 0.332224 0.869655
-3.50888 132.564 15.2645 -0.0273446 0.305673 0.95172
-3.50888 134.428 14.6658 -0.0143742 0.293405 0.95587
-1.57388 130.212 15.1305 0.10947 0.0969573 0.989227
-12.4749 84.4438 16.0641 0.408246 -0.816492 0.408246
-13.2363 84.4438 16.0641 -0.666646 -0.333323 0.666646
-13.2363 84.4438 15.5436 -0.408246 -0.816492 -0.408246
17.2332 91.5809 16.0993 -0.408246 0.816492 0.408246
17.9946 91.5809 16.0993 0.666646 0.333323 0.666646
17.9946 91.5809 15.5789 0.408246 0.816492 -0.408246
-12.4747 96.9581 14.7534 -0.708792 0.0169988 -0.705191
-5.5298 126.86 14.8691 -0.894406 0 -0.447188
-5.5298 132.484 14.8691 -0.416639 0.909024 -0.00711081
-3.5298 126.852 14.8691 0.447188 0 -0.894406
11.7036 126.86 14.8691 -0.894406 0 -0.447188
11.7036 126.86 16.5163 -0.706778 0.157476 0.689657
11.7036 132.484 15.2321 -0.635792 0.459517 0.620136
-3.48481 127.793 15.8151 0.00469985 0.333384 0.942778
11.6779 127.766 15.712 0.00698874 0.320048 0.947356
11.6779 130.099 14.9238 0.00469985 0.333384 0.942778
18.1312 127.638 14.5469 0.408216 -0.816492 0.408246

Code: [Select]
//Export from: GMax BuggyBuggy Exporter V2.5 by Fatduck

NumBones 0
FramesType Single
NumFrames 1


Mtl #4

679 272
0 0 679 0 272 0

87.5465 15.0648 14.7592 4.13996e-007 1.0 0.0
87.5465 15.0648 15.7763 4.71732e-007 1.0 0.0
106.714 15.0648 15.7763 0.0183175 0.999807 0.00715624
84.5891 15.0648 14.7592 5.31728e-007 1.0 0.0
84.5891 15.0648 15.7763 4.75121e-007 1.0 0.0
72.0943 15.0648 14.7592 3.05303e-007 1.0 0.0
72.0943 15.0648 15.7763 3.05303e-007 1.0 0.0
87.5706 -14.6856 14.7592 -3.29481e-007 -1.0 0.0
87.5706 -14.6856 15.7763 -3.3429e-007 -1.0 0.0
84.5891 -14.6856 15.7763 -5.4156e-007 -1.0 0.0
84.5891 -14.6856 14.7592 -6.15459e-007 -1.0 0.0
72.0943 -14.6856 15.7763 -7.63257e-007 -1.0 0.0
72.0943 -14.6856 14.7592 -7.63257e-007 -1.0 0.0
72.0943 -14.6856 16.5219 -7.63257e-007 -1.0 0.0
84.5891 15.0648 16.5219 4.18515e-007 1.0 0.0
106.714 15.0648 16.5219 0.0124515 0.999922 0.0
142.24 6.11993 14.8749 -3.38663e-007 -1.0 0.0
142.24 6.11993 15.2379 -3.38663e-007 -1.0 0.0
136.608 6.11993 16.5221 -3.38663e-007 -1.0 0.0
142.24 -9.11349 14.8749 1.0 0.0 0.0
142.24 -11.1135 15.2379 1.0 0.0 0.0
142.24 -11.1135 14.8749 1.0 0.0 0.0
138.042 6.07494 14.917 0.000837792 -3.65166e-006 1.0
138.015 -9.08779 14.917 0.000855298 -1.52261e-006 1.0
139.886 -9.08779 14.9154 0.000837792 -3.65166e-006 1.0
139.953 13.9443 14.7212 0.395529 -0.00322351 0.918448
137.503 13.9471 15.7763 0.406874 0.00237098 0.913481
139.905 8.13999 14.7215 0.406874 0.00237098 0.913481
134.979 -14.7955 16.0365 -0.00746086 -0.467157 0.884143
134.968 -16.7189 14.9952 -0.0198514 -0.475907 0.879272
136.801 -16.7963 14.9947 -0.00746086 -0.467157 0.884143
144.186 -9.15959 14.6857 0.077911 -0.0395379 0.996176
144.207 -7.38048 14.6878 0.0934456 -0.00229773 0.995622
139.847 -7.34347 15.0971 0.077911 -0.0395379 0.996176
142.32 -9.15389 15.2703 0.299203 -0.000247466 0.95419
142.32 -11.1727 15.2703 0.299446 0.0 0.954113
144.183 -11.1684 14.6856 0.299203 -0.000247466 0.95419
144.138 6.08265 14.6783 0.06736 0.0343132 0.997139
139.966 6.09804 14.9596 0.0800217 0.0625262 0.99483
144.152 4.20161 14.7421 0.0800217 0.0625262 0.99483
137.978 13.9471 14.7592 0.0 0.0 -1.0
137.978 -14.9044 14.7592 0.0 0.0 -1.0
106.714 -14.6856 14.7592 0.0 0.0 -1.0
84.5891 -14.6856 16.5219 0.0 0.0 1.0
87.5706 -14.6856 16.5219 0.0 0.0 1.0
87.5465 15.0648 16.5219 0.0 0.0 1.0
106.714 -14.6856 16.5219 0.0 0.0 1.0
136.62 -14.9044 16.5219 0.0 0.0 1.0
136.62 13.9471 16.5219 0.0 0.0 1.0
139.993 6.09478 14.9154 0.000820285 -5.78072e-006 1.0
137.485 8.21025 15.8349 0.418143 0.00796503 0.908346
139.884 -11.1323 14.6901 0.123533 0.00753448 0.992312
138.014 -11.1323 14.9229 0.0736122 -0.0180455 0.997124
139.937 -14.9248 14.7123 0.0736122 -0.0180455 0.997124
139.863 -9.09379 14.9612 0.0622496 -0.0767137 0.995108
142.24 8.11993 15.2379 0.293413 0.0143911 0.955877
142.32 6.09901 15.2703 0.30569 0.0273603 0.951738
144.184 6.09901 14.6716 0.293413 0.0143911 0.955877
139.968 4.16401 15.1362 0.0926066 0.090679 0.991565
94.2 15.065 16.0699 -1.0 0.0 0.0
94.2 15.8264 16.0699 -1.0 0.0 0.0
94.2 15.8264 15.5494 -1.0 0.0 0.0
101.337 -14.6431 16.1051 1.0 0.0 0.0
101.337 -15.4045 16.1051 1.0 0.0 0.0
101.337 -15.4045 15.5847 1.0 0.0 0.0
106.714 15.0648 14.7592 0.0 0.0 -1.0
136.616 8.11993 14.8749 0.0 0.0 -1.0
142.24 8.11993 14.8749 0.0 0.0 -1.0
136.608 6.11993 14.8749 0.0 0.0 -1.0
136.616 -9.11349 14.8749 -1.69572e-007 1.0 0.0
136.616 -9.11349 16.5221 -1.69572e-007 1.0 0.0
142.24 -9.11349 15.2379 -1.69572e-007 1.0 0.0
137.549 6.07494 15.8209 0.333385 -0.0047163 0.942779
137.522 -9.08779 15.7178 0.320068 -0.00701147 0.947369
139.855 -9.08779 14.9296 0.333385 -0.0047163 0.942779
137.394 -15.5411 14.5527 -1.0 0.0 0.0
137.394 -14.4662 14.5527 -1.0 0.0 0.0
137.394 -14.4662 12.0659 -1.0 0.0 0.0
137.394 13.4005 14.5527 -1.0 0.0 0.0

The complete two files if you wish to study are in MediaFire https://www.mediafire.com/download/4pd9i2qvcf11ns7/stainless_test_meshes.zip

Please don't spend too much time on this Stainless - not many people seem to use Blender as a modelling tool for IL2 - and I only have to do the tedious transfer between computers and manual pasting of data the once .....


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Re: uneven shading
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2015, 01:09:57 PM »

I loaded both up in my mod tool, and it's very interesting.

The one on the left is from blender, the one on the right gmax.

The normals int the blender file just look wrong to me. In the Gmax version you can see many 0,0,-1 and 0,0,1 normals, which is what we would expect on a flight deck.

The ones on the blender version have many like this. 0.707083 0 0.707083   which is approximately 1/sqrt(2) or 45 degrees.

That just looks wrong.

Can you point me at the exporter? I'll have a look and see if I can find the bugs.

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