thanks a lot Uber...thats jaw dropping, mouth watering, eyes wide opening...ah you get the idea
I still have your old dzz mods stored on my HD cause I always wanted to try adding them to a 4.10/newTFM install but somehow never got around doing it...that might change now
other than that, may I ask is CUP moddable like TFM for 4.12 for example?
as far as I get it, it is mostly SFS files for the stuff that is the same for all eras (maps, effects, 3d fixes, etc) with the selector then pointing to different mod folders with content for WW1, WW2 and the jet era, each with a STD folder that contains the ini and properties files that are moddable then-is this correct?
I am asking because I am currently sprucing up TFM for 4.12 to add some of the latest stuff, released after pack #38 and also adding stuff that was not in originally, like some pits (Freddys for the P-47 and P-51), open canopies mods, 3d fixes, the Ise and Hiryu etc plus I wanted my blue exhaust flames back as well..
I am doing this to get some insight into how 4.12 reacts when throwing some older stuff at it and I intend to throw certain things of these mods into CUP afterwards as well (should they be not included)
so that should be fairly easy if CUP is just as moddable as TFM for 4.12 is...
anyhow, thanks a lot for keeping us regards and many thanks for your great work over the years for IL2