Alright then, here's the screenshots. Sorry for the big post.

The mig-3's reticle if you sit up, I think this happens in every mig-3 besides the mig-3u. Also the doubled up canopy

The i-16's top cockpit bar problem. I'm not sure now exactly which model this happened in as I've downloaded the additional plane modules and changed some jsgme options and now I seem to be getting a much lower detail cockpit which has a hint of the same problem and also gunsight issues. I think it's all the open canopy i-16s though. I can try and track it down thoroughly later if you want me to. This is the only one of these glitches that's changed since before I made those tweaks on my end.

This is the land hurricane's see through wing and low detail cockpit texture and the sea hurricane with the upgraded texture but same problem. It's on all hurricanes as far as I know.

Opening the canopy on any merlin-engined p40 and also the p40-n at high speeds causes the canopy to break, but it also freezes the canopy model like this instead of successfully detaching it.

The mirror in all tropicalized 1942 mk vc spitfires. Also there's the pinup I mentioned which is on, I think, all mk vs. Obviously it's not a glitch but it might be more suited to a jsgme option or such. Having it on every single mk v is a bit of an immersion breaker in my opinion.

The baby gunsight. It seems to appear on all mx ixs as far as I can tell.

The gun issues on the mustang mk 1. Judging by the sound those are in fact .50 cals it's firing and not hispanos like it looks like it's meant to have.
Also, you may know about this already but the gunsight view on the cr.32 and some of the more hacky models applies a zoom of some kind instead of locking the viewpoint to the gunsight. Unfortunately this method seems to be totally incompatible with the collimator sight. It's pretty hard to tell when you're looking straight down the collimator sight without being able to lock to it so it makes these planes hard to use.

Thank you for the hard work