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Author Topic: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.  (Read 515246 times)

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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #276 on: March 06, 2015, 05:18:29 PM »

Intersting, DOF and WOW work fine for me, however I get a CTD at 70% for JTW, tried reloading twice with no joy.


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #277 on: March 06, 2015, 05:22:37 PM »

Very slightly OT but a question for the PC whizes that are here: If I group all the downloads for any one of the moduals here in one folder ,then highlight them & extrct themin this or another folder , its as if I get all the contents of that modual in one place ready to drop into my main Il-2 modded foldere.Is this legit...does it work properly or am I asking for trouble? 8)


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #278 on: March 06, 2015, 05:34:44 PM »

Found a weird bug with the catapult mod where time compression causes the aircraft on the catapult to freeze in place while the carrier is moving. Is this a known bug?

Yes and no, don't use time compression on the Cat.  Bear in mind the Powered Cats are an addon to Il2/1946.  It is fairer to understand that the game engine is getting on a bit and handles the steam cats well if you don't time compress during a launch.

This is not really a 'bug' as such, just a case of the user thrashing the sim to death.  ;D

Shawn BeBeau

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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #279 on: March 06, 2015, 05:36:19 PM »

Thank you for all that you guys have done!

I have a full working copy of CUP now. I had only one small problem that was leading to crash on start up.
The solution of adding the "MOD_FuMG_Wuerzburg+Freya_v1.0beta" and "MOD_NavaidsGee" from TFM412 alone did not fix it, but as soon as i threw in
"C&C_1966" along with the other two, no more crash.

One issue I did notice in #WAW.
Tiger flyby somehow takes over the FOV no matter what you have it set to. I adjusted it in the conf. but it remains the same.
After doing a flyby, if you jump directly back to the cockpit, the engine sounds are temporarily missing, along with a very strange visual anomaly.
I was flying the Ju-88 night fighter in this case. When I jumped back into the cockpit after flyby, the FOV within the cockpit was normal, but if i looked at the engine/wing, they were very much enlarged. The radar antenna out front were also larger than should be and do not seem to be "fixed" to the aircraft. The visual goes back to normal and the sound returns after a few moments. It seems as thought the lack of sound in the cockpit and the visual coincide with the typical length of time that the external flyby sound takes.

Another visual difference i have noticed in WAW and was also in TFM412 is the pilot head position in the Me 262. Using trackIR I could normally move my head down and to the right to look through the gunsight. Now the pilots head position makes it so that no amount of crouching allows a head free look through the site. The only way is to toggle gunsight view which is very limiting in combat.

The Ju-87 Anton. Is ther currently no cockpit for this aircraft? I tried flying it but no cockpit view

I am also not able to use either of the Visual Mods 8 and 9. Enabling them causes crash.

These are the only issues i have come across so far not mentioned. Otherwise I am having alot of fun exploring this wonderful game version.
Thanks again


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #280 on: March 06, 2015, 05:36:53 PM »

Intersting, DOF and WOW work fine for me, however I get a CTD at 70% for JTW, tried reloading twice with no joy.

Obviously something is missing or not operating as it should.  LOGFILE-LOGFILE-LOGFILE-LOGFILE will fix you in about 2 seconds.

Referred to Page-One for BASIC TRAINING


Thank you for all that you guys have done!

I have a full working copy of CUP now. I had only one small problem that was leading to crash on start up.
The solution of adding the "MOD_FuMG_Wuerzburg+Freya_v1.0beta" and "MOD_NavaidsGee" from TFM412 alone did not fix it, but as soon as i threw in
"C&C_1966" along with the other two, no more crash.

One issue I did notice in #WAW.
Tiger flyby somehow takes over the FOV no matter what you have it set to. I adjusted it in the conf. but it remains the same.
After doing a flyby, if you jump directly back to the cockpit, the engine sounds are temporarily missing, along with a very strange visual anomaly.
I was flying the Ju-88 night fighter in this case. When I jumped back into the cockpit after flyby, the FOV within the cockpit was normal, but if i looked at the engine/wing, they were very much enlarged. The radar antenna out front were also larger than should be and do not seem to be "fixed" to the aircraft. The visual goes back to normal and the sound returns after a few moments. It seems as thought the lack of sound in the cockpit and the visual coincide with the typical length of time that the external flyby sound takes.

Another visual difference i have noticed in WAW and was also in TFM412 is the pilot head position in the Me 262. Using trackIR I could normally move my head down and to the right to look through the gunsight. Now the pilots head position makes it so that no amount of crouching allows a head free look through the site. The only way is to toggle gunsight view which is very limiting in combat.

The Ju-87 Anton. Is ther currently no cockpit for this aircraft? I tried flying it but no cockpit view

I am also not able to use either of the Visual Mods 8 and 9. Enabling them causes crash.

Clearly you have some major install differences somewhere.  It may be as simple as the CONF.INI settings, we shall compare and get some examples posted.  Otherwise the point of C.U.P. is to get Il2 installs alike, which we have managed building this system across 5 Continents with people of many diverse nationalities and setups.

I would personally go for a full clean install again, you are really missing out without P.A.L.s Visual MOD.


I wonder if I could throw in Boomers Object Pack into
CUP to make the to make the mod more compatible
with my missions or would it bug the mod?

If this was answered elsewhere

Not a good approach mate - Don't go backwards, bite the bullet and make 'em again for 412.  Also be more specific and try to avoid leaps of faith.  Many of us are happy to share the burden - Mission files are tiny, why not zip 'em up and share them with a view to proper 412 conversion?

I have about 30 campaign and mission sets on the go right now.  Next I want to get a thread going for these where we can all fix this stuff and present newly created missions for 412.


...And for anyone who has started using the FMB.

Maybe a new issue maybe just me...with the Mission Pro activated I cant get the dialogue for the mission briefings to save properly.

That is there is a Properties file and it contains the text but will not appear in game nor when I go back to the FMB.

When I turn off Mission Pro it works just fine.

No errors in log

This is not exactly right Hamm66 - You are referring to the 'Edit-Description' function and it is touchy with MissionPRO and you can disable MissionPRO fo an FMB Session.  However, MissionPRO handles the map selection and other stuff so well I tend to leave it in there and not touch it. 

The real issue with the Description is that it IS saved provided you do this last.  Eg:  Make your briefing changes, save and load the next mission.

When making a big mission sequence put your briefings into notepad and copy/paste them in one pass.  Exit the system and restart then go about building the rest of your scenery and flights.  Briefing checks are a bugger, but keep them on notepad too and you can always stick in corrections as you go.  Do them last before your exit FMB and they are fine.


Testing out some of my TFM 412 missions...I'm missing something aren't I?

No worries Hamm66 - we will be re-working all TFM-412 missions and campaigns for the new C.U.P.  Now we have this up I can get back to mission building and get a new dedicated thread together for all the lovely 412 C.U.P. mission content.  Not just mine, but all comers.  It does get a bit frustrating at times, but we all gain far more with just some missions to change out.


BUG or??

Donbass Summer

Landscape 'Donbass/load.ini' loading error
java.lang.RuntimeException: Landscape 'Donbass/load.ini' loading error

Any body else have this error.

Hey Bravo, looking forward to hooking up with you on Skype in few days mate.  C.U.P. is directly related to the 'Holy Grail' in SFS form!  I'm sure me and Chris and Marcus (timezones permitting) can straighten you out buddy, providing we can all stop stop talking at once, missed you man!


EXPANSION-Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt05


Beaufighter MkX
MC 205 III
Mosquito FBMkIV CC
Spitfire MkIXe
Spitfire Mk IX25lb

...@AG51Hoss - Just actually finishing Screaming Eagles at last!  No more rebuilding, this is it!  I will be happy to help convert/review your campaign as you do with mine, lets do a swap soon over email.  The Hangar-19 Artists have their sprayguns ready for any skins you might need as well.  (giterdone!)



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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #281 on: March 06, 2015, 06:10:55 PM »

Thanks for all this effort, much appreciated. Silly question, how do I get the different splash screens
to show upon loading? Only the SAS 5.30 loading screen shows up no matter what I select. Thanks!


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #282 on: March 06, 2015, 06:15:09 PM »

Thanks for all this effort, much appreciated. Silly question, how do I get the different splash screens
to show upon loading? Only the SAS 5.30 loading screen shows up no matter what I select. Thanks!

Hi ashton1972,

Check this line is in the CONF.ini:

Gonna have to post some CONF.ini tweaks next...


...incidentally, I notice the FlybyFov also solves an early inquiry regarding Tiger33 flybys...


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #283 on: March 06, 2015, 06:29:29 PM »

Thanks Monty, I checked that it does have 1 beside it. I think it has to do with the resolution the game is running at.
If I switch from 1152x864 to 1440x900 I get the appropriate splash screen, but the game looks squished( why I run at 1152). Are the background
tga s for the specific packs different format from SAS background tga s? Thanks for all your help!


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #284 on: March 06, 2015, 06:38:47 PM »

This is all well and good but honestly? You guys need to create a torrent and put it up... as it is now it is counter productive. Looking forward to the completion of my DL though... and I may put up a torrent myself.. but you guys need to do this...

This isn't some flybynight or some lone wolf... this is SAS... c'mon guys....


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #285 on: March 06, 2015, 06:44:41 PM »

Did you actually read the first post?


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #286 on: March 06, 2015, 06:46:26 PM »

Torrents are up.


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #287 on: March 06, 2015, 06:49:16 PM »

Thanks Monty, I checked that it does have 1 beside it. I think it has to do with the resolution the game is running at.
If I switch from 1152x864 to 1440x900 I get the appropriate splash screen, but the game looks squished( why I run at 1152). Are the background
tga s for the specific packs different format from SAS background tga s? Thanks for all your help!

Gimme the game resolution you run at, and is this different to your desktop resolution?  Its a simple matter to alter the splashscreen aspect ratios and try some different sets.  If you can't edit them I can do that and upload a new choice.
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