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Author Topic: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.  (Read 515168 times)

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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #84 on: March 04, 2015, 01:21:06 PM »

Great to see that she's been launched Thanks for all the hard work Monty and crew.
Yeah it looks like mediafire is getting battered. someone needs to set up a torrent for this if possible.



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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #85 on: March 04, 2015, 01:30:54 PM »

spartan, I am right now unzipping the maps and what I get is a single SFS_MAPS, the mod folders for the 3 eras, a bin folder, a JSGME folder and the selector.exe plus some more thingies I forgot to note mentally;
all these go directly into the game root, it is very simple and has been done in a mere 5 minutes now; next step, unzipping of the era packs...

oh and I forgot to mention, from map pack 6 onward, certain files start to overwrite older versions of themselves, stuff like maps.properties or all.ini;
that is normal so no need to panic :)


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #86 on: March 04, 2015, 01:50:06 PM »

  :o I just might have done a hasty decision pulling the plug on this game  :-X
I knew you was up for something , while I was a team member I saw you hard work.  :-\\ But I was too busy testing it

Way to go old mate, congratulation :) What a job you have done



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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #87 on: March 04, 2015, 02:02:39 PM »

Help, please,

CUP stops loading at 95%.
Log.txt is empty.

I have installed maps and second module DOF.
What is the problem?

P.S. Should I install all modules?

EDIT: Everything is OK, my fault - I wanted to start too fast (I didn't set up JSGME options properly)!
Thanks for CUP!!!


Hi Is - What is the problem? - this part is ALWAYS solved by looking in the Logfile.  Everyone please note, that is the ONLY way to diagnose stuff at a distance.  Logfile setup is on the front page.  The C.U.P. install is actually so simple that often repeating the process, in order to do it more carefully and properly, also solves most things that people come up with.

  :o I just might have done a hasty decision pulling the plug on this game  :-X
I knew you was up for something , while I was a team member I saw you hard work.  :-\\ But I was too busy testing it

Way to go old mate, congratulation :) What a job you have done

Hey Otto!  Get your original discs out and you can be up and running again within the hour old friend!  ;D

Thanks you very much. This is a great step for Il2, a new era.

I´ve downloaded everything and now I have my first question.
I have the 9 rar files with the maps. When I unzip them I get 9 folders with the same name as the 9 rar files. is that what I want or I want all the maps in the SFS_MAPS folder. Maybe, I unzip them the wrong way, right?  :-\\

Could someone put pictures of the proper file structures in the folders? Thanks.

As SAS~Gerax illustrates:  just unRAR everything and point it towards your main Il2 Install.

Some of you guys make some videos please! I'm a truck driver over the road and I will not be able to get to my computer for a couple of months : (

Also, are the full throttle exhaust flames included with Tiger's sound mod?

OH YES! There's a great video right up front...

Ok Monty, and Gerax for your Replys.

Bassicly my wish was to have the Jet War planes upto 1955 or so be combined with world at war. I Just Used to have alot of fun Flying F-86s against various WW2 planes and also flying against them.

Some of the New Jet war planes I love, such as the Bronco and Russian Hevies and of course the Pogo. If there was a way to combine both Jet war and World at war I wold love that.

Not really, that's not the point.  Each era is tuned with regard to the available vehicles and ships.  It was made so carefully in order to utilise all this content effectively.  Jamming it all into the same place again is a bad move that will break more than it adds.

Of course you can add your own mods through the mod folder but everything the C.U.P. Team put together is based on reality and centred around the appropriate era.

Everything works perfectly!!!  :P :P :P

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #88 on: March 04, 2015, 02:16:14 PM »

Everything works perfectly!!!  :P :P :P
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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #89 on: March 04, 2015, 02:17:10 PM »

first feedback from me:

that CUP is a verrrry fast beast!!! loadtimes cannot be compared to the old TFM packs and mission loading is way faster, even with a high number of objects and aircrafts in the mission;
CUP is, as promised easily moddable, just out of curiosity I dropped the files for the blue exhaust flames in and lo and behold, that worked with no troubles at all :)

stuff I like: pretty much everything; the QMB map selection is a dream!!!!!
stuff I do not like: the music (still this old nerve killing original music (easily replacable), some background screens within the game (also easily changeable) and I miss some aircraft and 3d refinements which I am going to add myself; modding TFM 4.12 over the last week has shown to me what´s possible and what is also nice to have :)

guys, seriously, this is the greatest one stop mod pack IL2 has ever seen, mated to the best game version of IL2 IMHO; install time was about as posted already, maybe half an hour; downloading was also quite quick and I am sure, as more hosts will show up, those times might get even quicker;
just be sure to follow the very simple install advice and also be sure to have a look into the JSGME folder, some nice to have stuff inside there as well;

I will post some additional feedback over the next few days, but from my first impressions, that baby is a winner;

@Hamm: I checked your BoB mission set quickly; first mission loads up as it did on TFM 4.12, but another one I tried just out of interest because it involves a rare bird on the German side (the BV-141), the 12th July 240 Squadron mission does load up but, as the BV is not included in CUP yet, it is replaced by a Stinson and as that one wants to take off out of a hangar, there is a revetment in its way and the Stinson than crashes into that revetment; I can post a screenie tomorrow and will also try what happens if I add the BV-141;
but as said, it seems that most missions of your BoB set should work with the odd problem that should be easily rectifiable though by a very good FMB artist like you are....


ps.: Simon are you sure that the blue exhaust flames mod is included? I did not get blue exhaust flames on neither the F4U-1D nor the Spit XXI when I fired up WAW for the first time;
only when I added some additional stuff from my 4.10TFM (that also works in TFM 4.12) did the blue exhaust flames show up again...


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #90 on: March 04, 2015, 02:28:28 PM »

I made a kickass Menu sounds based on Gears of War ages ago, and have a few other too.  Will get those links back up...

We may all have to get back into FMB and re-make all missions and campaigns: It will be worth it.  Bear in mind; if the missions were not made in 412 FMB with this set they will be missing a whole host of features anyway.  - Ambient Sounds, Taxiing Aircraft, proper Spawning points et al... 412 FMB makes its predecessors look tired and out of date.  All old crap will have to re-made, including plenty of my own.  Good, lets get on with it. 

No more whining about old dead obsolete old shit, including my own, lets make it again in 412 and bring it out fresh.  I already spent a couple of days of QMBPRO and re-made hundreds of scenarios.  I have also re-made my WWI campaigns and started on BoB and the Desert Air Force.  Fortunately VF51 Korea, Screaming Eagles is the most up to date now and will actually be released at last!  ;D


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #91 on: March 04, 2015, 02:40:17 PM »

Are you talking about the menu sounds you did for newTFM 4.10? I use those on my 4.10 TFM install as well as my 4.12 TFM baby...great work


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #92 on: March 04, 2015, 02:47:59 PM »

Absolutly amazing!!!

Where is the torrent?



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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #93 on: March 04, 2015, 02:57:04 PM »

OK! OK! You got my attention! I've been running DBW Build 7.1, based on IL-2 v 4.101. I've held off on updating to v 4.11 and v 4.12 waiting to see where all of this was going. It looks as though CUP is the end result. Do I have to jack up my v 4.101 to v 4.11 and v 4.12 before jumping into CUP?.

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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #94 on: March 04, 2015, 03:10:01 PM »

Earlier today......

  I have become mysteriously  "ILL"  today and won't be able to go to work.......... :D

Many thanks to all the developers for this LEVIATHAN effort  ;D



P.S Oooooooo proper 4.12 maps for us WW I boys.......thankyouthankyouthankyou !     

Looks like my illness has got worse.....I'll have to take tomorrow off as well      :D
I've been "playing" DOF now for 12 hours and have barely scratched the surface  ???
One question for Istvan before I collapse.....I can't see a artillery spotting loadout for the Farmans and Voisins etc have I missed a mod or is this WIP ?

Once again, many thanks for this work of genius.....


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #95 on: March 04, 2015, 04:09:15 PM »

torrent link?
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