Since there appears to be some interest here are the download links with a short description. Below are my two adders to WAW using the JSGME setups that are activated the same way the original TFM was done, i.e., just load them in the jsgmemods folder and activate them using the jsgme. I just picked the adders that I wanted to see included in #WAW. Both folders are about 1.5GB uncompressed or about 150 MB compressed using 7zip.
On my computer (loading on a SSD) the first one took about 10 seconds to activate and the second one took about 6 minutes to activate. A detailed listing of the additions are in my previous message on yesterdays reply #1081.
#WAW_1st adder contains over 20 additional planes, new FMs for the MustangMkI's and Hellcats, CWatson's F4U's with modified FMs, benitomuso's PAL-HUDConfig mod, and some additional skins.
Download: #WAW_1st adder.7z adder contains over 20 additional planes and some additional skins.
Download: #WAW_2nd adder.7z adders must be installed this order or the air.ini entries won't work and you will get a CTD. I have not tested the 1st adder by itself, but loaded one after the other before testing the combined addition. Also these were installed on the base system and are my only changes. I haven't tested the additions with other mods.
So far I've tested them in the QMB only and everything seems to work except the PZL37B doesn't have any bombs.
Also no stationary planes have been added, but I plan to make a third adder to include them as well so they can be used in the FMB.
I merely compiled these additions for my own use. After some limited testing which was successful, I now offer them to the SAS community. Any feedback (good or bad) is welcome.
Enjoy ... tooslow
Edit ...
P.S. I just downloaded both files from mediafire at the same time and it took my slow DSL connection a little over 30 minutes, hope you do better.
Edit 2 ...
Additions to ini & ru files for adders 1&2 download ... air file entries are in the order I put them in the air.ini files, but their position in the menu will be determined by where you place them in the air.ini file. To get the same file placement (and menu locations) I used ( I tried to follow the original menu placement) you will have to carefully insert the air entries into the appropriate areas in the existing menus, but you might find it easier to make future modifications if you keep them all together ... it's just a choice.
The position of the and the entries are not critical and will not affect their order in the menu, but they must be included for the additions to work properly.
Hope you find these files useful ... tooslow