as promised, here are my sound settings from the conf.ini
other than that, I do not use any fancy sound setup, just what Simon has suggested in the release threads for the newTFM for DBW back some moons ago, so you might check there for additional info as my conf.ini in 4.12 is now the same as I have used for 4.10 DBW/newTFM...
oh and I forgot to mention I am using a SB Recon 3d soundcard and no onboard chip solution for example....
does "soundmode=2" actually work on your machine? if yes, that might explain a difference in what we hear.
X= 0: default
1: minimal 3D Sound (fastest)
2: balanced
3: Full (slowest 3D Sound engine mode)
on my system only 0 works, if i set it to 1, 2 or 3 i will see the following message in my logfile (the game still works and everything)
Cannot setup 3d algorithm.Settings will be reset to DEFAULT.
so i guess that means i don't have any 3d sound at all. i have just the onboard sound and a professional audio device for music making. both work fine with modern games (i get 3d accelerated sound in modern directX games), but il-2s old way trying to get the dx7 hardware acceleration isn't compatible with those...
EDIT: actually i guess i can get "soundmode = 1" to work without the error message, by forcing eax1 and using samplingrate 1 (22050mhz)... but i really can't hear any big difference ingame...
i do like the old 4.12 jivers sound pack on-top of my CUP installation though, anyway. i have to stop obsessing over these details. i can't get any flight time, because i spent so much time changing config parameters and try to see if i can hear/see a difference. haha