I can't recall that early italian raceplane, looked similar to the Gee-Bee,
that was an ugly design, to me, but this italian one topped ugliness.
It had a huge engine, btw the whole plane was built around it,
but it seemed like a naval Diesel Engine or from an early coal steamer.
The whole Polikarpov familly is very unattractive,
despite them being tolerated in my install. UKs 20, 30s were
not topped by anything attractive throughout the Commonwealth, hence the
ugly naming, Calcutta, Katlambuk, Hawker Crap...one of this looked like Cpt. Ahabs friend.
Just recently read about the FAA in this period, the pictures where not adoring...

Before they had Wildcats there was a terrible sight, bulky nosed Biplanes,
no foldable hooks, large sticked hooks from whale hunting vessels were used to catch a wire.
Rear Gunners came directly from whaling fishery, as they knew how to hook up.
P0rrrn, ahem sorry, beauty, to me begins with the monoplane racers that led to the Hurricane, Spit,
Heinkel whatever and Messerschmitt Designs. Speed and aerodynamics, yeah baby...
You're no plane, you're an experiment