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Author Topic: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!  (Read 62598 times)

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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #48 on: May 11, 2015, 04:43:11 PM »

33lima, I enjoyed reading your stories about the Lanc campaign.

I could give you a few pointers if you want another go but I was gratified to read of the challenges you experienced - that is pretty much what I was aiming for! ;D

The campaign is supposed to be difficult but the autopilot will take you to the next waypoint if you use the radio to order it to and the radio stations can be used to navigate but they are mostly just to keep you entertained on the long flight.
The mine laying mission does end up in daylight as the morning progresses and the sunrise is particularly impressive, making the return journey much easier - if you have all engines running and are not full of holes!

Anyway, well written reviews. Keep it up

Thanks! And no I haven't given up on the Lanc campaign, I'm just hoping for some bomber stream work soon, where, free of formation-keeping, all I have to worry about is mid-air collisions. And the flak. And the searchlights. And the navigation. And the night fighters. And Scarecrows. And maybe, just maybe, avoiding 'agricultural bombing', if/when I get there. And landing, if/when I get home....! It looks like a great campaign!


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #49 on: May 11, 2015, 04:47:52 PM »

https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35546.0.html - The Spitfire Scramble! campaign :)

Does this work with CUP?  All I get when I try to start it is a blank load screen, on both sides (no map, no brief).  I removed the _ru from each of the properties folders beforehand.  What did I do wrong this time?  Thank you.

If it's any help it's worked fine for me, for two missions so far. The map showed up from the beginning, on the LH panel of the briefing screen. The briefing text only showed up in the RH panel, after I had deleted '_ru' from all the properties files. I'm not sure if there are some audio messages or briefings I should be hearing, that I'm not, but the normal radio comms are all playing as normal.

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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #50 on: May 11, 2015, 05:29:09 PM »

Thanks for the prompt reply 33lima, I guess I need to go back and re-download/install and try that.  As I said above, I can't get anything to show up concerning the brief screen.  Not sure what my problem is, but I am betting it is me.  Thanks again.

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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #51 on: May 12, 2015, 05:58:00 AM »

You might try turning missionpro in jsgme on or off. There are still issues with compatibility but it should work. Or open a mission or two in FMB and save straight away, that sometimes works. (after you remove the _ru extension though).

As always, thank you for your advice.  In fact, I did turn off mission pro last night and now I get the map and brief screen but when I try to start the first mission all I get is sky (although it is a pretty one).  There doesn't seem to be any aircraft since I am unable to push the "arming" button to look at the markings, etc., and the load screen goes through its processes really fast.    Anyhow, I'll keep "diddling".  I am pretty sure I don't have any more difficulties than you smart folks, but it's just that I don't usually possess the know how to fix them like y'all do.  Thanks for your thoughts.

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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #52 on: May 12, 2015, 01:05:06 PM »

When you see the brief screen if there is a flight path marked on it you will need to open the mission in FMB and just look around a bit then save and it should work. If there is NO flight path there is no player plane selected and it may take a bit more fiddling.

I don't know why these things are different for different people who apparently have the same version of CUP but I reckon its because there are just so many mods included that even a slight difference in the install process can make a difference.

Thanks friend.  The only thing I have done lately concerning my game is I downloaded/installed, through JSGME of course, that air.ini switcher mod in helps of speeding up my game.  Hope I didn't mess something up.  But I will see this evening what you are talking about.  My old eyes I'm afraid don't let me look at the game very often lately, and so I think I can do it later today.  Thank you, as always for your help.


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #53 on: May 12, 2015, 01:52:43 PM »

Anything you add that is not based on the cup changes the way the mods act and react from just a cup install. The easiest way to add what was not added to the cup modules is open the sfs files that are used and install them that way. very easy to do


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #54 on: May 13, 2015, 04:48:04 PM »

I downloaded the lancaster campaign but after pressing fly, during loading I get this error:

this is using cup with all modules installed and waw set.


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2015, 09:57:11 PM »

I had that error too, saw no answermt tried the original, messed up even more lol


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #56 on: May 14, 2015, 04:21:12 AM »

Same error here.


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2015, 06:23:26 AM »

The way to get the la chute summer/winter maps to show in cup modules waw/jtw is first dl all 3 versions of la chute the three versions are la chute/la chute hsfx/la chute up3rc4. Then install in that order and pay att. to the static ini that comes with each version.
Important you must open the sfs files that pertain to the map and install that way that way when/if updates come will not mess it up. I am sure Simon will tell you what he uses to create the sfs files.
To do the static right and fast use win-merge to compare and merge the static ini if not a long time by opening both and comparing then copying and pasting the contents.
Great maps and the lanc campaign you will enjoy


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #58 on: May 20, 2015, 12:51:48 AM »

So at least one of your excellent SCW campaigns must be close, yes?   8)

I have heard rumors that there will be a special module for the inter-war years, and then ALL my SCW campaigns will be available!  :)

More than rumours my friend, you designed the definitive SCW flightline and it will be available in CUP very soon.  The French aircraft MB142, LEO451 and Potez 540 will also be integrated into the next World at War Upgrade, along with around 30 other aircraft now ready for 412.


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Re: C.U.P. Campaigns to be found here!
« Reply #59 on: May 20, 2015, 01:23:34 AM »

Excellent! Really Excellent! Then we will be able to the Battle of France and the early wars of WW2 full justice!  ;D ;D ;D
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