If I understand correctly you are talking about making textures seamless so you don't see where one texture ends and the next one begins?
There are a couple of options of how to do this in GIMP for instance.
Here is how I did it by using normal images.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39601.0.html(original post and reply #7 and #9)[/quote]
Hi Uufflakke,
I do not think that we are talking about exactly the same thing.
My English is pretty basic and it is quite difficult for me to express myself in technical language ...
Sorry for that !
Thank you very much for the links and I will have a look to GIMP.
The functions that you describe are probably very useful for simple and regular textures but probably
not for more elaborate compositions.
Personally I use Photoshop since a long time.
However I do not think that any graphics program can do this work of composition for me :
( surely some pictures will talk better than me !
starting image :
assembled starting image : (up-down , left-right )
initial image assembled corrected and reconstructed :
(With parts of over similar pictures of the same sky )
the final image resized in square :
the alpha channel of the same image :
(Black = transparent portions that leave see the beautiful sky background level of IL-2.
White = not transparent parts letting see my sky texture.
Gray = All intermediate transparencies. )
And now the rendering of the sky in the game :
Obviously I'm not talking about the contrasts adjustments, color and density, both in alpha channel that in RGB levels and the countless tests that this implies...
Your sky is very "Wagnerian" very impressive, Bravo !!!
I really appreciate !
But it reopens the debate of skies randomly selected by a software ... I rest on the idea that we should be able to choose a sky just like the clouds in the FMB ... For he will not be suitable for a mission planned for clear skies ! Smiles ...
This little explanation about the creation of a sky is very basic and many steps are not shown, but I think it will inform interested persons...
Regards, Thierry