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Author Topic: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?  (Read 8874 times)

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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2015, 09:05:11 PM »

 :o Please note that this post was edited on 13 April 2015 by tooslow and includes a revised addition named #WAW_3rd adder rev1.

 :)[I also want to THANK PO_MAK_249RIP for getting me to reexamine the entries to include the AAA-P51 aircraft and weapons.  I found my original problem and was able to correct it which made the additional P-51's work and now the P-51H has a series of additional weapons.]  ;D

This posting is to answer the question posed by this thread.   Yes, there are more and below I'm repeating the information I posted in the main CUP thread and adding a third addition.   The original download post was made back on March 24 on reply #1094 on the main CUP thread which can be found at ... https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.1092.html   

Here are the download links with short descriptions for some add on aircraft for WAW.  Below are three adders to WAW using the JSGME setups that are activated the same way the original TFM was done, i.e., just load them in the jsgmemods folder and activate them using the jsgme.  I just picked the adders that I wanted to see included in #WAW.  The folders are about 1.5GB or so uncompressed or about 150 to 200 MB compressed using 7zip.

On my computer (loading on a SSD) the first one took about 10 seconds to activate and the second and third adders took about 5 to 10 minutes each to activate. 
#WAW_1st adder contains over 20 additional planes, new FMs for the MustangMkI's and Hellcats, CWatson's F4U's with modified FMs, benitomuso's PAL-HUDConfig mod, and some additional skins.

Download:   #WAW_1st adder.7z

#WAW_2nd adder contains over 20 additional planes and some additional skins.

Download:    #WAW_2nd adder.7z

#WAW_3rd adder also contains over 20 additional planes and some additional skins. [if installed earlier, remove this adder and replace it with #WAW_3rd adder rev1.7z

Download:    #WAW_3rd adder.7z

Download: #WAW_3rd adder rev1.7z

All adders must be installed this order or the air.ini entries won't work and you will get a CTD.  I have not tested the 1st adder by itself, but loaded one after the other before testing the combined addition.   Also these were installed on the base system and are my only changes.  I haven't tested the additions with other mods.   

So far I've tested them in the QMB only and everything seems to work on my install except the PZL37B doesn't have any bombs, the Leo451 works as AI only, and the P-51H doesn't have any external loads.

I'm currently putting together a 4th adder with more additional planes and it should be completed soon.   Also no stationary planes have been added, but I plan to make a future (5th?) adder to include them as well so they can be used in the FMB.  If there are additions to the base CUP WAW install I will see attempt to revise and update these "adders".

I merely compiled these additions for my own use.  After some limited testing which was successful, I now offer them to the SAS community.   Any feedback (good or bad) is welcome and I would appreciate knowing if you find anything else that isn't working properly so that I can attempt to correct it.   

Enjoy ... tooslow

Additions to ini & ru files for adders 1&2 can be found at:




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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2015, 04:26:14 AM »

Hi tooslow,

I've done a manual install from some of your #WAW Adder 3 and noticed this;

I've gone throught your documentation and I think you've missed out the air.ini entries for AAA_P51's and the US_Weapons add-on for them?? I found the air.ini entries and other stuff here;


Apologies if im wrong!


BEWARE! Some of the air.ini entries already exist with // in front of them.

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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2015, 09:23:50 PM »

PO_MAK_249RIP please check out the revisions I made to yesterday's post. 

Thanks for encouraging me to reexamine the AAA-P51 installation.  Originally when I included it I got some very strange problems that caused many of the planes crash or blowup when I tried to use them in the QMB.  My solution was to leave them out, but keep the AAA_P51 folder so I could use their cockpit for the P-51H to make it flyable.  After tinkering with it for a while I discovered the problem and now can include the additional P-51's.   I left the original CUP // entries in the "air.ini" folder and just added the entries I needed.  That makes it a little messy, but keeps the CUP team's entries untouched ... I'm only trying to make additions, not revise the original CUP work.

I have put together the 4th adder and will start testing it tomorrow.   

Thanks again ... tooslow   


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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2015, 10:52:23 PM »

Hi tooslow

I have WAW PART-08 almost ready to release, pending independent link and install checks.  This is a comprehensive package that has been under construction for some weeks now.  Once it is safely out I recommend we take a look at your 'adders' and integrate them fully with the next upgrade.



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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2015, 11:33:45 PM »

That would be just excellent, Monty !

Thanks !


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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2015, 12:17:14 AM »

Glad to be of help tooslow - I didnt add the latest adder thru JSGME just plucked out the stuff I wanted so didnt realise your intentions with the AAA_P51's so apologies for any misunderstanding


BTW I added the Leo45 seperately and I can confirm it is flyable
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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2015, 03:19:53 PM »

Hi tooslow

I have WAW PART-08 almost ready to release, pending independent link and install checks.  This is a comprehensive package that has been under construction for some weeks now.  Once it is safely out I recommend we take a look at your 'adders' and integrate them fully with the next upgrade.


Monty, thanks for the heads up.  I'll be watching for the update and hopefully can modify my adders appropriately.

Glad to be of help tooslow - I didnt add the latest adder thru JSGME just plucked out the stuff I wanted so didnt realise your intentions with the AAA_P51's so apologies for any misunderstanding


BTW I added the Leo45 seperately and I can confirm it is flyable

Mick, I appreciate the feedback.   I just retested the Leo45 and now it works for me too ... I don't know why it didn't the first time I tried it.  It handles very well, too bad there isn't an attack version with more forward firepower.


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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2015, 12:47:59 AM »

Thank you Too Slow, more icing for this wonderful CUP cake....Truly looking forward to #4.


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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2015, 07:48:12 PM »

Below are revised versions of my original adders that have been updated to be compatible  with C.U.P. Update - WAW Part-08 released on April 15,  2015.

#WAW_1st adder v2 still contains over 20 additional planes, new FMs for the MustangMkI's and Hellcats, CWatson's F4U's with modified FMs, benitomuso's PAL-HUDConfig mod, and some additional skins. Only the Air.ini, plane.ru, and weapon.ru  files were updated (this is true for all the following updates too).

Download:   #WAW_1st adder v2.7z [April 19, 2015 - ADDED revised / corrected link below - the original download was corrupted.  Please let me know if you have any more problems ... tooslow]

#WAW_2nd adder contains over 20 additional planes and some additional skins.  REMOVED aircraft that are now included in #WAW-Part 8.  These included PZL P_24 series, PZL_23B &42, PZL37B, and ki-48.  ADDED the Lublin R-XIII series.

Download:    #WAW_2nd adder.7z

#WAW_3rd adder also contains over 20 additional planes and some additional skins.  REMOVED aircraft that are now included in #WAW-Part 8.  These included P_11g, PWS-10, and PWS-26.

Download: #WAW_3rd adder v2.7z

I have expanded the 4th adder to include additional aircraft and I'm still testing it.  Hopefully it will be ready in a couple days.

... tooslow

PS Below I'm repeating my earlier instructions, with some edits, for loading these additions ...

Here are the download links with short descriptions for some add on aircraft for WAW.  Below are three adders to WAW using the JSGME setups that are activated the same way the original TFM was done, i.e., just load them in the jsgmemods folder and activate them using the jsgme.  I just picked the adders that I wanted to see included in #WAW.  The folders are about 1.5GB or so uncompressed or about 150 to 200 MB compressed using 7zip.

On my computer (loading on a SSD) the first one took about 10 seconds to activate and the second and third adders took about 5 to 10 minutes each to activate.

All adders must be installed this order or the air.ini entries won't work and you will get a CTD.   Also these were installed on the base system and are my only changes.  I haven't tested the additions with other mods.   

So far I've tested them in the QMB only and everything seems to work on my install of CUP.

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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2015, 11:27:02 PM »

tooslow, many thanks for all this!  :)

shouldn't this become an own thread with a appropriate heading
where the members have the actual dl links in first post ?
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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2015, 01:18:57 AM »


First, thanks for your work !!

I have downloaded 3 times #WAW_1st adder v2.7z and 7-Zip checked it corrupted every time.

The other adders are good.



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Re: tooslow - any more adders for #WAW due?
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2015, 01:52:46 AM »

I can confirm what Marsouin says - #WAW_1st Adder appears to be corrupted? Tried it with Winrar and 7Zip just keeps chucking up 'data errors'? All the .ini's appear to be blank too?

Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.
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