It would appear that the sight shown in the illustrations above is a late variant. In my very limited *investigation* so far, the more relevant sight design for the earlier fighters has the reflector assembly mounted on a pair of vertical rods which permit to set the reflector height over a fairly large range. This appears to be the one crudely 'modelled' for the stock G50, C.R. 42, MC-200 and MC-202--in three different approaches (in my 4.08 game, anyway.)
C.R. 42: Missing the 'strap' which conforms to the reflector. This device is made to pivot downward so that an iron sight 'bead' at its crown is brought into alignment with a ring (marked on the lower reflector?). The lamp house at bottom is shown as a quite useless open box.
G50: The reflector assembly is represented by a graphic which looks more like a hand mirror design

, and is not constructed as a 3-D object at all. Ghastly!
MC-200/202: The lamp house is too large, more so in depth, and incorrectly is made to appear to serve also as the mounting. The crash pad is too low. The MC-202 sight would appear to be too large, whereas the -200 appears to be pretty close to the correct dimensions (as gleaned from crude measurements made on an image which includes a 14X48mm AA battery.)
MC-205: In the main, not too bad. Could use some refinements.