Good morning.I have an request for PZL "Szczupak".Photo:

Information:It was an hydroplane variant of PZL 42.It was prototype.One version was made.Everything was like PZL 42.It can carry 1 torpedo,and even 4 bombs from original PZL 42.
Spec:Maximum speed:365 Km/h,Climbing speed:8,0 m/s.Weapons: 2x Machine gun Wz 30,1 torpedo or 4 bombs.Wings: <--->= 13,95 m.Plane: Tall:3,35 M,Long: 9,68 m.Used by:Poland.First flight: 1936.Never mass produced.Engine: PLZ Bristol Pegaz VIIIA.Power: 710 km (522 kW)
Blueprints below.
Type:Bomber or recon plane.
Construction:Hydroplan Bomber.