I was curious about what wing Airfoil you have chosen for the wing, I am currently restoring a 1940 J-3 Cub for a client, so I know what you are up against. I too believe that you should locate a good A&P or AME to assist you in the design or construction of your project. The airworthiness regulations vary from country to country, and you don't need some pencil pusher to tell you at the end of your journey that you have built a nice aircraft, but due to this or that Reg. that it will never be allowed to fly. Here in North America a home built falls under the 51% rule which basically says the owner must build at least 51% of the aircraft to qualify for the "Home-built" Certificate of Airworthiness. I am both a FAA A&P and a TC AME - M1 and Structures licensed, let me know if I can be of any help.
Good Luck